Aims of the movement
give meaning to the word ‘humanity’ by openly, sensitively and
warmly accepting differences between individuals and social groups.
focus on creativity, understood as an expression of freedom and as a strategic
element that lies at the centre of all sectors of human activity, including
communication, ecology, economy, education, philosophy, work, nutrition,
politics, religion, science and spirituality.
operate at an artistic, cultural level to tackle and solve the conflicts
and tensions generated by different cultures, channelling existing energies
in in other directions than confrontation.
collaborate with universities, academies and cultural institutions that
run courses or activities connected with the Mediterranean.
set up courses and schools and offer master degree programmes and grants
for Mediterranean studies.
set up workshops that create socially committed art form expressing a new
way of thinking which transcends mere considerations of economic speculation
and is capable of inspiring all sectors of human activity.
forge the links of a wide-ranging chain of relationships and promote an
exchange of ideas geared to shapenew prospects for society around the shores
of the Mediterranean.
work towards the establishment of a Mediterranean Cultural Parliament.
extend its activities beyond the Mediterranean basin in order to reach the
whole international community.
movement is non-political and non-profit making.