LDN Love Difference News #102   09-25-2008

MOVIN’UP 2008: mobilità nel mondo per giovani artisti italiani. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 14 novembre 2008
Movin'Up represents a real opportunity, a support to the needs of artistic and educational growth of young talents in Italy. Movin'Up is a support program aimed at young creative people between 18 and 35 years who were admitted or officially invited abroad by cultural institutions or festivals to participate in competitions, seminars, workshops, internships or who are involved in artistic projects or periods of training to be carried out in institutions abroad. A unique reward for young Italian talents, giving them an opportunity to study and work, covering part or all of the expenses abroad. Artistic fields involved are: visual arts, architecture, design, music, cinema, video, theatre, dance, performance, writing.
The deadline of the second session of 2008 open call is Friday 14 November 2008; applications should be directed to activities starting between January 1 and June 30 2009.

MOVIN’UP 2008: mobilità nel mondo per giovani artisti italiani. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 14 novembre 2008>>>

“Come un uomo sulla terra”: un documentario sul viaggio dei migranti africani attraverso la Libia verso l’Europa >>>
"As a man on earth": a documentary on the journey of African migrants through Libya into Europe >>>

Unidee in progress 2008 open studio. Cittadellarte, Biella, 5 ottobre 2008 >>>
Unidee in progress 2008 open studio. Cittadellarte, Biella, October 5, 2008 >>>

Arhipelag 3 festival internazionale d’arte contemporanea. Gorizia – Nova Gorica 25-29 settembre 2008 >>>
Arhipelag - 3 international festival of contemporary art. Gorizia-Nova Gorica, 25-29 September 2008 >>>

Fonti Mediterranee: il nuovo sito web dell’ EMCER >>>
Mediterranean Sources: EMCER new website >>>

Avvenirismo 3535 – Making Life An Art: a Milano la seconda edizione dal 4 ottobre al 10 novembre 2008 >>>
Avvenirismo 3535 - Making Life An Art: in Milan the second edition from October 4 until November 10, 2008 >>>

Una cartolina per Love Difference >>>
Your postcard to Love Difference >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic