LDN Love Difference News #102   09-25-2008

Arhipelag - 3 international festival of contemporary art. Gorizia-Nova Gorica, 25-29 September 2008
After one year off, the event Arhipelag is back to happen between two towns, Nova Gorica and Gorizia. Arhipelag - 3 international festival of contemporary art is organized by the cultural and artistic association Limb, Nova Gorica, in collaboration with Coronini Association for the Arts, Šempeter pri Gorici, and the associations Punto di Fusione, Equilibri and Arterrante, which are active in Gorizia and Nova Gorica.
Art works will be exhibited in six locations, on both sides of the border, in Nova Gorica, Salcano and Gorizia. The festival is open to all topics and encourages various forms of artistic expression. Exhibition will dislay paintings, sculptures, photographs, videos, drawings, installations, performances. Arhipelag - international festival of contemporary art was conceived in 2005 by Limb association as a test of active intervention into the political and artistic dialogue on both sides of the border. The purpose of Arhipelag is to go beyond the boundaries and in all directions. The festival not only unites the artists of Gorizia and Nova Gorica, but also welcomes artists from other countries. This third edition will host 59 artists from nine countries: Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, New Zealand and Austria.

Arhipelag 3 festival internazionale d’arte contemporanea. Gorizia – Nova Gorica 25-29 settembre 2008>>>

“Come un uomo sulla terra”: un documentario sul viaggio dei migranti africani attraverso la Libia verso l’Europa >>>
"As a man on earth": a documentary on the journey of African migrants through Libya into Europe >>>

MOVIN’UP 2008: mobilità nel mondo per giovani artisti italiani. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 14 novembre 2008 >>>
MOVIN'UP 2008: mobility programme for young Italian artists. Deadline for entries: 14 November 2008 >>>

Unidee in progress 2008 open studio. Cittadellarte, Biella, 5 ottobre 2008 >>>
Unidee in progress 2008 open studio. Cittadellarte, Biella, October 5, 2008 >>>

Fonti Mediterranee: il nuovo sito web dell’ EMCER >>>
Mediterranean Sources: EMCER new website >>>

Avvenirismo 3535 – Making Life An Art: a Milano la seconda edizione dal 4 ottobre al 10 novembre 2008 >>>
Avvenirismo 3535 - Making Life An Art: in Milan the second edition from October 4 until November 10, 2008 >>>

Una cartolina per Love Difference >>>
Your postcard to Love Difference >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic