LDN Love Difference News #103

Let me write: metropolitan artists in front
of the conceptual art and a photographer. Bologna, from October 18
Saturday, October 18 at Galleria
Spazio Gianni Testoni 2000 LA 45 in Bologna, the project "Let
me write", edited by Alberto Mattia Martini will be opened to
the public by the invited artists.
The event aims at making the audience collaborate and participate
in the opening performance, which will be held in the Gallery and
in several outdoor locations in the city of Bologna. The opening will
take place with a “white” gallery, the public will be
invited to start the program along with the artists. The intention
is a "conceptual" participation of of all those involved
as "actors" of the event, and its continuation as a "work
in progress", to be able to share the spirit and motivation of
the different invited artists.
The first phase will see the work of street artists, whose works will
interact with the conceptual installations by Filippo Centenari. Photographers
and videomakers, particularly the young Milanese artist Guido Maria
Ratti, will join the artists during the creative process.
Let me write: artisti metropolitani
a confronto con l’arte concettuale ed un fotografo. A Bologna
dal 18 ottobre >>>

Eventi pubblici al workshop AS TIDE. Graz, 11-19 ottobre 2008 >>>
Public events at AS TIDE workshop. Graz,
11-19 October 2008 >>> |

RAM LIVE: L’arte è radiofonica >>>
RAM LIVE: Art is radiophonic >>> |

Inaugurata a Bologna “Mediterraneo – Love Difference”,
l’opera site-specific di Michelangelo Pistoletto per il Comune
di Bologna >>>
“Mediterranean - Love Difference”,
the site-specific work by Michelangelo Pistoletto for the City of
Bologna >>> |

Conferenza internazionale “Performing
Arts Training Today”: Bovec, Slovenia, 24-27 ottobre 2008 >>>
International conference "Performing
Arts Training Today": Bovec, Slovenia, 24-27 October 2008 >>> |

Economia e Società della Conoscenza.
I colloqui internazionali di Ravello parlano del Mediterraneo, dal
9 all’11 ottobre >>>
Economy and Society of Knowledge. Ravello
International Forum on the Mediterranean, 9-11 October 2008 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic