LDN Love Difference News #105

tourism and heritage. Call for papers for “Africa e Mediterraneo”
issue 65-66. Deadline for submissions: November 30, 2008
The magazine “Africa e Mediterraneo”
is seeking for contributions for the outcoming issue 65-66, curated
by Giovanna Parodi da Passano and Alessandra Brivio.
The issue will be composed by a first part devoted to the topic “Tourism,
belonging and heritage in Africa”, reflecting over the concept
of heritage (artistic, landscape, human heritage), and over the processes
brought out by this concept, such as authenticity, modernity, ethnicity,
identity, memory, invention of tradition. Key themes of the issue
will be: Politics of the heritage and process of tourism development
in Africa; Construction and use of cultures, places and identities;
Tourism and local communities; Ethnic tourism as opportunity for cultural
heritage conservation and promotion of local identities; Ethnic tourism
as cultural homogenization and "invention" of ethnicity;
The tourism and authenticity: the production of memory and identity;
The tourism objects between tradition and folklore; Art and tourism
promotion; The production of political discourses on tourism and heritage
by the contemporary African artists.
The second part of the issue will be devoted to the case of Benin,
to compare its peculiarities, and problematize them, to the issue
and topics of interest for the entire African continent.
Deadlines: 30th November 2008 deadline to submit the abstracts of
the articles; 15th February 2009 deadline to submit the articles.
Africa: turismo e patrimonio. Call for
papers per il numero 65-66 di “Africa e Mediterraneo”.
Scadenza: 30 novembre 2008>>>

Decolonizzare l’Architettura: il futuro dell’architettura
coloniale israeliana. In mostra a Bruxelles fino al 4 gennaio 2009
Decolonizing Architecture: the future
of Israeli colonial architecture. On display in Brussels until January
4, 2009 >>> |

Il Libro di Ricette di Art on the Campus, Cittadellarte e Love Difference:
Anversa, 13 novembre 2008 >>>
The “Cookbook” by Antwerp
University’s Art on the Campus, Cittadellarte and Love Difference:
Antwerp, 13 November 2008 >>> |

59 film e 7 Workshop alla Quarta edizione
del Festival del Cinema Femminile Shashat. Palestina, 1 novembre -
7 dicembre 2008 >>>
59 Films and 7 Workshops in Shashat’s
4th Women’s Film Festival. Palestine, 1 November – 7 December
2008 >>> |

Nuove prospettive del dialogo interculturale
in Europa. Un colloquio di chiusura dell'Anno Europeo del Dialogo
Interculturale. Parigi, 17-19 novembre 2008 >>>
New Perspectives of Intercultural Dialogue
in Europe. A colloquium closing the European Year of Intercultural
Dialogue. Paris, 17-19 November 2008 >>> |

Love Difference al Forum Culturale del
Mediterraneo: Marsiglia, 4-5 novembre 2008 >>>
Love Difference at the Mediterranean
Cultural Forum: Marseille, 4-5 November 2008 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic