LDN Love Difference News #105

New Perspectives of Intercultural Dialogue
in Europe. A colloquium closing the European Year of Intercultural
Dialogue. Paris, 17-19 November 2008
It is now possible to register for
the Colloquium to close the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue:
“New Perspectives of Intercultural Dialogue in Europe”.
It shall take place at the Pompidou Centre in Paris on 17, 18 and
19 November 2008 within the framework of the French presidency of
the European Union and under the high patronage of the European Commission.
As the end of the European Year draws closer, the French Presidency
of the European Union and the European Commission have announced the
closing conference not only to take stock of achievements in the past
months, but also to look ahead to new perspectives for intercultural
dialogue in Europe. Over 600 participants from across Europe and beyond
are expected to join the conference. Keynote speakers will include
Jean Pierre Jouyet, French Secretary of State for European Affairs,
Ján Figel, European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture
and Youth, Christine Albanel, French Minister of Culture and Communication,
and Members of the European Parliament. Discussions will range across
themes including intercultural education, the role and responsibilities
of the media in intercultural dialogue, social cohesion and integration,
Europe in the wider world, and intercultural dialogue in the arts.
Nuove prospettive del dialogo interculturale
in Europa. Un colloquio di chiusura dell'Anno Europeo del Dialogo
Interculturale. Parigi, 17-19 novembre 2008>>>

Decolonizzare l’Architettura: il futuro dell’architettura
coloniale israeliana. In mostra a Bruxelles fino al 4 gennaio 2009
Decolonizing Architecture: the future
of Israeli colonial architecture. On display in Brussels until January
4, 2009 >>> |

Il Libro di Ricette di Art on the Campus, Cittadellarte e Love Difference:
Anversa, 13 novembre 2008 >>>
The “Cookbook” by Antwerp
University’s Art on the Campus, Cittadellarte and Love Difference:
Antwerp, 13 November 2008 >>> |

Africa: turismo e patrimonio. Call for papers per il numero 65-66
di “Africa e Mediterraneo”. Scadenza: 30 novembre 2008
Africa: tourism and heritage. Call for
papers for “Africa e Mediterraneo” issue 65-66. Deadline
for submissions: November 30, 2008 >>> |

59 film e 7 Workshop alla Quarta edizione
del Festival del Cinema Femminile Shashat. Palestina, 1 novembre -
7 dicembre 2008 >>>
59 Films and 7 Workshops in Shashat’s
4th Women’s Film Festival. Palestine, 1 November – 7 December
2008 >>> |

Love Difference al Forum Culturale del
Mediterraneo: Marsiglia, 4-5 novembre 2008 >>>
Love Difference at the Mediterranean
Cultural Forum: Marseille, 4-5 November 2008 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic