LDN Love Difference News #107

The decennial of Fondazione Pistoletto:
three days to live Cittadellarte. Biella, 22-24 November 2008
Cittadellarte will celebrate on 22-24
November ten years of activity. Every day several events to experience
the activities of the different Uffizi: meetings on the issue Art
& Enterprise, Art & Education, Art & Ecology, Art and
Politics, Art & Art; two exhibitions – D_Art Lab - Design
& Sustainable Change and Le développement durable. Pourquoi?
–; creative and didactic workshops for children and families;
free visits and guided tours. Among the events: Party Night ArteinMensa.
The three days will end up with the presentation of the book of the
10th anniversary "Cittadinidellarte", with the participation
of Sandro Bondi (Ministry of Culture), Mercedes Bresso (President
of the Piedmont Region), Achille Bonito Oliva (art critic and curator),
Pier Luigi Celli (managing director and director general of Luiss
Guido Carli), Alberta Ferretti (fashion designer), Walter Santagata
(prof. Economy of Culture, University of Turin), Michelangelo Pistoletto
(artistic director of Cittadellarte).
Love Difference celebrate Cittadellarte with the event “De Gustibus”
(Sunday 23, 4,30 p.m.): Cafeteria’s chef and artists of Love
Difference Pastries will cook with and for the public the “Sweet
for all”. Love Difference Pastries Project will be presented
during the event.
to the Love Difference Pastries project
I dieci anni della Fondazione Pistoletto:
tre giorni per vivere la Cittadellarte. Biella, 22-24 novembre 2008>>>

In the Middle of the Middle: artisti dal Medio Oriente alla Galerie
Sfeir-Semler a Beirut >>>
In the Middle of the Middle: artists
from the Middle East at Galerie Sfeir-Semler in Beirut >>> |

Etica ed estetica: aperte le selezioni per il workshop di Hangar.
Candidature dal 1 dicembre 2008 >>>
Ethics and aesthetics: open selections
for a workshop at Hangar. Candidatures from 1 December 2008 >>> |

Gulliver Connect: programma di mobilità
per artisti. Scadenza di presentazione delle domande: 15 dicembre
2008 >>>
Gulliver Connect mobility programme
for artists: deadline for applications: 15 December 2008 >>> |

Il dialogo interculturale nell'area euro-mediterranea.
Marsiglia, 22 novembre 2008 >>>
Intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean
area. Marseille, 22 November 2008 >>> |

Un nuovo spazio per la cultura a Nablus:
il Cultural Heritage Enrichment Center. Mostra di inaugurazione fino
al 26 novembre 2008 >>>
A new space for culture in Nablus: the
Cultural Heritage Enrichment Center. Opening exhibition until November
26, 2008 >>> |

Come un uomo sulla terra: proiezioni in
tutta Italia e raccolta di firme per una petizione europea >>>
Like a man on earth: projections throughout
Italy and a petition to the European Union >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic