LDN Love Difference News #111   15-01-2009

Love Difference to join Don’t border Me Orchestra in 2009
Love Difference joined the “Don’t border me” project and “Don’t border me Orchestra”, created by Don’t Border Me Association based in Arles (France). “Don’t border me” invokes a refusal to be enclosed, limited, or categorized while expressing the desire and the need to overcome familiar stereotypes in order to create open encounters and celebrate differences.
The Don’t border me organization and the Don’t border me Orchestra project are the result of a series of actions going back to 2006 and the fruit of one motivation: to use the arts – and music in particular – as an instrument of positive reflection, mobilization, solidarity and liberation of bodies and minds. Don’t border me Orchestra is a group which now unites fifteen artistic and pedagogical organisations across Europe, the Mediterranean basin, and Quebec. These organisms constitute a mosaic of cultures and artistic expressions and bring to the table a wide range of social, economic and political issues which are united by several major themes: the desire for a conscious inter-mixing of people, cultures & disciplines; the use of celebration as a vehicle for liberation, expression, creation and better community living; the involvement of youth in inventive citizenship and solidarity; the planning of public spaces for collective creation and diffusion of artistic works; a sustained effort to ensure that theses initiatives are long-lasting.
The Don’t border me Orchestra will be officially constituted in 2009, starting with a collective residency in Arles on January 28th to 31st, and will evolve through the creation of collaborative art pieces, which will bear the marks of each of the involved territories and will allow the different members of this eclectic network to meet.
The Orchestra will involve: Don’t Border Me, head of the network, Arles (FRANCE); Love Difference, Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto Biella (ITALY); IMAL, International Munich Art Lab, Munich (GERMANY); AEGEE, Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l’Europe, Ankara (TURKEY); KHAYAL, cooperative for Arts & Education, Beyrouth (LEBANON); Gudran, for Arts and Development, Alexandria (EGYPT); SAT, Société des Arts Technologiques, Montréal (CANADA).

Love Difference aderisce all’Orchestra Don’t Border Me>>>

Reach Out, Open Up, Take In: un seminario per sviluppare le competenze nella creazione di reti e cooperazione internazionale. Pomáz, Ungheria, dal 27 febbraio al 1 marzo 2009 >>>
Reach Out, Open Up, Take In: a seminar to develop skills in advocacy, networking and international cooperation. Pomáz, Hungary, February 27 to March 1, 2009 >>>

Bando per la presentazione di proposte per il convegno su Cultura, Territori e Società in Europa. Termine per la presentazione: 31 gennaio 2009 >>>
Culture, Territories and Society in Europe: call for proposals. Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2009 >>>

Istruzione e formazione: il programma del Master Europeo in Diritti Umani e Democratizzazione. Termine per la domanda: 20 marzo 2009 >>>
Education and training: the European Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation. Deadline for application: 20 March 2009 >>>

Invito a presentare proposte per il Congresso Mondiale di Studi sul Medio Oriente. Termine per la presentazione: 15 febbraio 2009 >>>
Call for proposals for the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, 2010. Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2009 >>>

Fonti nel web: blogger euro-mediterranei >>>
Sources on the web: Euro-mediterranean bloggers >>>

LDN–Love Difference News a Flashout, ogni giovedi su Radio Flash >>>
LDN–Love Difference News at Flashout, every thursday on Radio Flash >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic