LDN Love Difference News #111   15-01-2009

Education and training: the European Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation. Deadline for application: 20 March 2009
The European Inter-university Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) launched the advertising campaign for the academic year 2009/2010 of the European Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation. It is an intensive one-year academic programme to educate professionals in the field of human rights and democratisation and provide its graduates with practical work experience. It is a multidisciplinary programme that reflects the indivisible links between human rights, democracy, peace and development.
The programme offers an action and policy-oriented approach to learning about international relations, law, philosophy, history, anthropology, political science and sociology. Students have the opportunity to meet and be taught by leading academics representing the 41 E.M.A. participating universities, experts and representatives of international organisations (including the European Union, the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe-OSCE) while studying in a multicultural environment.
EMA is open to EU and non-EU citizens. The criteria used during the selection process are: academic ability and background, experience, motivation, and language competence.
The deadline for application is 20 March 2009.

Istruzione e formazione: il programma del Master Europeo in Diritti Umani e Democratizzazione. Termine per la domanda: 20 marzo 2009>>>

Love Difference aderisce all’Orchestra Don’t Border Me >>>
Love Difference to join Don’t border Me Orchestra in 2009 >>>

Reach Out, Open Up, Take In: un seminario per sviluppare le competenze nella creazione di reti e cooperazione internazionale. Pomáz, Ungheria, dal 27 febbraio al 1 marzo 2009 >>>
Reach Out, Open Up, Take In: a seminar to develop skills in advocacy, networking and international cooperation. Pomáz, Hungary, February 27 to March 1, 2009 >>>

Bando per la presentazione di proposte per il convegno su Cultura, Territori e Società in Europa. Termine per la presentazione: 31 gennaio 2009 >>>
Culture, Territories and Society in Europe: call for proposals. Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2009 >>>

Invito a presentare proposte per il Congresso Mondiale di Studi sul Medio Oriente. Termine per la presentazione: 15 febbraio 2009 >>>
Call for proposals for the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, 2010. Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2009 >>>

Fonti nel web: blogger euro-mediterranei >>>
Sources on the web: Euro-mediterranean bloggers >>>

LDN–Love Difference News a Flashout, ogni giovedi su Radio Flash >>>
LDN–Love Difference News at Flashout, every thursday on Radio Flash >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic