LDN Love Difference News #111   15-01-2009

Sources on the web: Euro-mediterranean bloggers
EMIRA - Euro-Mediterranean and International Research Association is a Belgian non-profit association. Its objectives are: promote the Euro-Mediterranean culture; establish a European service centre for information exchange, meeting, training, advice and representation for artists and cultural creators; encourage research on working conditions, life and creativity of artists and creators; promote mutual understanding and links between artists, policy makers and donors.
Emira’s blog is curated by Judith Gabay-Neisse.
Yves Gonzalez-Quijano, teacher and researcher at the University Lyon 2 and director of GREMMO (Group for Research and Studies on the Mediterranean and the Middle East, Lyon ), decided in September 2006 to create a blog on the Arab World. It is sort of a press review focuses on the Arab cultural phenomena and their relationship with the policy. The blog is in French language, but an English digest is also available.

Fonti nel web: blogger euro-mediterranei>>>

Love Difference aderisce all’Orchestra Don’t Border Me >>>
Love Difference to join Don’t border Me Orchestra in 2009 >>>

Reach Out, Open Up, Take In: un seminario per sviluppare le competenze nella creazione di reti e cooperazione internazionale. Pomáz, Ungheria, dal 27 febbraio al 1 marzo 2009 >>>
Reach Out, Open Up, Take In: a seminar to develop skills in advocacy, networking and international cooperation. Pomáz, Hungary, February 27 to March 1, 2009 >>>

Bando per la presentazione di proposte per il convegno su Cultura, Territori e Società in Europa. Termine per la presentazione: 31 gennaio 2009 >>>
Culture, Territories and Society in Europe: call for proposals. Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2009 >>>

Istruzione e formazione: il programma del Master Europeo in Diritti Umani e Democratizzazione. Termine per la domanda: 20 marzo 2009 >>>
Education and training: the European Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation. Deadline for application: 20 March 2009 >>>

Invito a presentare proposte per il Congresso Mondiale di Studi sul Medio Oriente. Termine per la presentazione: 15 febbraio 2009 >>>
Call for proposals for the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, 2010. Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2009 >>>

LDN–Love Difference News a Flashout, ogni giovedi su Radio Flash >>>
LDN–Love Difference News at Flashout, every thursday on Radio Flash >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic