LDN Love Difference News #112

Transmediale: international festival of
digital culture. Berlin, January 26th – February 1st, 2009
Transmediale is an international festival for contemporary
art and digital culture. Hosted in Berlin until the 1st of February,
it presents advanced artistic positions reflecting on the socio-cultural
impact of new technologies. It seeks out artistic practices that not
only respond to scientific or technical developments, but that try
to shape the way in which we think about and experience these technologies.
Transmediale understands media technologies as cultural techniques
which need to be embraced in order to comprehend, critique, and shape
our contemporary society.
The festival includes exhibitions, competitions, conferences, film
and video programmes, live performances and a publication series called
'transmediale parcours'. Moreover it cooperates with club transmediale
(CTM), which deals with electronic music and club culture.
Transmediale: festival internazionale
di cultura digitale. Berlino, 26 gennaio – 1 febbraio 2009>>>

Un workshop di Asilo Bianco con Love Difference al Dipartimento Psichiatrico
di Novara >>>
Asilo Bianco and Love Difference workshop
at Novara Psychiatric Hospital >>> |

Bando di partecipazione a Unidee in Residence 2009. Scadenza: 28 febbraio
2009 >>>
Call for applications UNIDEE in Residence
2009: 15th June - 15th October 2009. Application Deadline: 28th February
2009 >>> |

Primo Concorso Internazionale Giornalisti
del Mediterraneo. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 30 marzo 2009 >>>
First International Prize ‘Journalists
of the Mediterranean’. Deadline for entries: 30th March 2009
>>> |

Dialogo: L'empatia delle parti - Affinità
Elettive. Al Centro Regionale di Arte Contemporanea di Sète,
fino all’8 marzo 2009 >>>
Dialogue: The empathy of the parties
– Elective Affinities. Sète, Regional centre for Contemporary
Art, until the 8th of March 2009 >>> |

Corso per curatori di mostre ed eventi
artistici alla Galleria A+A di Venezia. Scadenza per le iscrizioni:
6 marzo 2009 >>>
Course for curators at A + A Gallery
in Venice. Deadline for applications: March 6th 2009 >>> |

Diritto al cuore: Emergency a Vercelli.
Pinocchio al bookshop di Cittadellarte. Dal 31 gennaio 2009 >>>
Right to the heart: Emergency in Vercelli.
Pinocchio at Cittadellarte’s bookshop. From January 31st >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic