LDN Love Difference News #112

Course for curators at A + A Gallery in
Venice. Deadline for applications: March 6th 2009
Gallery A + A, Public Center of Slovene Contemporary Art in
Venice, is organising the thirteenth edition of its course for curators
of exhibitions and artistic events, beginning on March 23rd 2009,
lasting three weeks. The course is open to all those who want to deepen
their knowledge on trends and new languages of contemporary art and
be introduced to the profession of curator. The course provides participants
with practical tools and critical equipment to understand how to structure
a show, starting from conception. It provides information and expertise
to manage the organization of an exhibition or an artistic event.
At the end of the lessons students will be offered the opportunity
to put into practice the knowledge acquired. The course is valid for
academic credits and it is held several times a year. Among the teachers
of the next edition: Chiara Bertola, Aurora Fonda, Mario Gorni, Agnes
Kohlmeyer, Gabi Scardi. Participants will be selected on the basis
of curricula and interviews, the fee is 800 Euro. Deadline for applications
for registration: March 6th 2009.
Corso per curatori di mostre ed eventi
artistici alla Galleria A+A di Venezia. Scadenza per le iscrizioni:
6 marzo 2009>>>

Un workshop di Asilo Bianco con Love Difference al Dipartimento Psichiatrico
di Novara >>>
Asilo Bianco and Love Difference workshop
at Novara Psychiatric Hospital >>> |

Bando di partecipazione a Unidee in Residence 2009. Scadenza: 28 febbraio
2009 >>>
Call for applications UNIDEE in Residence
2009: 15th June - 15th October 2009. Application Deadline: 28th February
2009 >>> |

Transmediale: festival internazionale di
cultura digitale. Berlino, 26 gennaio – 1 febbraio 2009 >>>
Transmediale: international festival
of digital culture. Berlin, January 26th – February 1st, 2009
>>> |

Primo Concorso Internazionale Giornalisti
del Mediterraneo. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 30 marzo 2009 >>>
First International Prize ‘Journalists
of the Mediterranean’. Deadline for entries: 30th March 2009
>>> |

Dialogo: L'empatia delle parti - Affinità
Elettive. Al Centro Regionale di Arte Contemporanea di Sète,
fino all’8 marzo 2009 >>>
Dialogue: The empathy of the parties
– Elective Affinities. Sète, Regional centre for Contemporary
Art, until the 8th of March 2009 >>> |

Diritto al cuore: Emergency a Vercelli.
Pinocchio al bookshop di Cittadellarte. Dal 31 gennaio 2009 >>>
Right to the heart: Emergency in Vercelli.
Pinocchio at Cittadellarte’s bookshop. From January 31st >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic