LDN Love Difference News #119

Casablanca Festival of Video Art. Morocco,
21–25 April 2009
FIAV, Festival of Video Art of Casablanca will be held at Facultè
dès Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Ben M’sik in Casablanca
(Morocco), from the 21th to the 25th of April 2009.
The International Festival of Video Art of Casablanca is an annual
event that gathers fanatics of renewal, inspiration, and especially
of mixing video and new technologies.
Since its inception in 1993, the festival offers each year the novelty
of contemporary creation. Several exhibitions and interactive multimedia
videos will settle in the heart of the city, as well as conferences,
roundtables, workshops, meetings between artists and students. The
festival is defined as a research and experimentation, a forum for
exchange between artists and professionals and young creatives, Moroccans
and foreigners.
This year’s edition is divided into three sections: Africa and
the Arab World, Europe, and the Americas.
Casablanca Festival di Video Arte. Marocco,
21-25 aprile 2009>>>

Evento finale per ASTIDE: Bruxelles, Parlamento Europeo, 29 aprile
2009 >>>
ASTIDE final event: European Parliament,
Brussels, 29 April 2009
>>> |

Il viaggio continua: l’artista Bingol
Elmas sul percorso di Pippa Bacca >>>
Still on the road: Director Elmas continues
Pippa Bacca’s trip >>> |

EXPLOR-ART 2009, workshop di esplorazione
territoriale. Monza, 11 maggio - 17 maggio 2009. scadenza per le candidature:
30 aprile 2009 >>>
EXPLOR-ART 2009, workshop of spatial
exploration. Monza (Italy), May 11 - May 17, 2009. Deadline for applications:
30 April 2009 >>> |

DE.MO.: il bando per sostenere Design e
Mobilità. Scadenza per le domande: 22 maggio 2009 >>>
DE.MO.: a call to support Design and Mobility.
Deadline for applications: 22 May >>> |

Rifiuto Con Affetto alla Settimana del
Mobile. Milano, 22-27 aprile 2009 >>>
Refusal With Love at Milan Furniture Salone.
Milan, 22-27 April 2009 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic