LDN Love Difference News #121

Euro-African Campus on Cultural Cooperation:
Maputo, Mozambique, 22-26 June 2009. Registration period open
The Euro-African Campus for Cultural Cooperation will be held
in Maputo, Mozambique, on 22-26 June 2009. It is an initiative of
the Observatory of Cultural Policies in Africa (OCPA) and the Interarts
Foundation, held in partnership with the Spanish Agency of International
Cooperation for Development (AECID) and in cooperation with the City
of Maputo and the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic
of Mozambique. Other sponsors include Africalia and the Calouste Gulbenkian
Foundation. The main aim of the Campus is to provide a meeting, training
and exchange point for cultural agents in Africa and Europe to reflect,
transfer knowledge, exchange experiences and discuss possible joint
initiatives in the field of cultural cooperation, in the broader context
of the contribution of culture to sustainable development. With over
80% of speakers confirmed by now, the registration period remains
open. Places are limited.
Campus euro-africano sulla cooperazione
culturale: Maputo, Mozambico, 22-26 giugno 2009. Aperte le iscrizioni>>>

Futura. Mutamenti e visioni del contemporaneo. A Miasino e ad Ameno,
22-23 maggio >>>
Futura. Changes and visions of the contemporary.
Miasino and Ameno, 22-23 May 2009
>>> |

Pratiche sovversive: arte in condizioni di repressione politica. Stoccarda,
Germania, 30 maggio - 2 agosto 2009 >>>
Subversive Practices: Art under Conditions
of Political Repression. Stuttgart, Germany, 30 May - 2 August 2009
>>> |

Il tavolo Love Difference ai “Classici
del Contemporaneo”. Villa Pisani (Stra-Venezia) 23 maggio –
1 novembre 2009 >>>
Love Difference Table at "Classics
of the Contemporary" exhibition. Villa Pisani (Stra-Venice) 23
May - 1 November 2009 >>> |

Public Turbulence/Disordine in pubblico:
arte, eventi e incontri all'Isola. Milano, 22 maggio-31 agosto
Public Turbulence: art, events and meetings
at Isola Art Center. Milan, May 22 - August 31 2009 >>> |

BJCEM: presentazione del libro e del DVD
“Mediterraneo Creativo”. Torino, 16 maggio 2009 >>>
BJCEM: Presentation of the book and the
DVD "Creative Mediterranean". Turin, May 16th 2009 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic