LDN Love Difference News #122

Call for Papers for the Third World Culturelink
Conference. Deadline for submissions: 15 July 2009
The Culturelink Network celebrates its 20th anniversary this
year. To mark this occasion, the Network is organizing the Third World
Culturelink Conference under the title “Networks – The
Evolving Aspects of Culture in the 21st Century”, to be held
from 13 to 15 November 2009 in Zagreb, Croatia.
The conference is envisaged to bring together Culturelink Network's
members, researchers, professionals, and many others who perceive
networking as one of the most intriguing phenomenon of contemporary
culture. The Third World Culturelink Conference will aim to investigate
the role and relevance that cultural networks hold for cultural development.
The event will include discussions on the promotion and affirmation
of cultural diversity and intercultural communication through networking
processes and will closely look at case studies from all regions of
the world, thus providing comparative examples and experiences on
a global level.
The Network invites the submission of papers to be included in the
Third World Culturelink Conference programme. Paper abstracts should
thematically correspond to the themes and topics listed in the preliminary
conference agenda, and should be submitted for revision by 15 July
Call for Papers per la Terza Conferenza
Mondiale Culturelink. Termine per la presentazione: 15 luglio 2009>>>

Decolonizing Architecture: bando di partecipazione al progetto in
Palestina >>>
Decolonizing Architecture: call for
participation to the project in Palestine
>>> |

A pranzo con Michelangelo Pistoletto: Osteria La Villetta, Palazzolo
sull'Oglio, 13 giugno 2009 >>>
At lunch with Michelangelo Pistoletto:
Osteria La Villetta, Palazzolo sull'Oglio, 13 June 2009 >>> |

Quando l’arte finanzia l’arte:
Pistoletto e Sollima a Risonanze #3. Roma, Auditorium Parco della
Musica, 29 maggio-15 giugno 2009 >>>
When art funds art: Pistoletto and Sollima
at Risonanze # 3. Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica, May 29 - June
15 2009 >>> |

Parigi ospiterà gli Stati generali
delle musiche del mondo l’11 e 12 settembre 2009. Termine per
la presentazione delle proposte: 30 giugno 2009 >>>
Paris will host the États généraux
des musiques du monde on 11-12 September 2009. Deadline for submitting
proposals: 30 June 2009 >>> |

Love Difference e Cittadellarte al festival
Din Don D’Arte 2009. Galbiate, 30 maggio-14 giugno 2009 >>>
Love Difference and Cittadellarte at Din
Don D'Arte Festival. Galbiate, May 30-June 14, 2009 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic