LDN Love Difference News #122

Paris will host the États généraux
des musiques du monde on 11-12 September 2009. Deadline for submitting
proposals: 30 June 2009
Cultures France reports on its website that Paris will host
the États généraux des musiques du monde on September
11 and 12, 2009.
“Aesthetic pluralism, cultural globalization issues, perspectives
on diversity—these are some of the many important facets of
this wide-ranging reflection on the world’s music. Zone Franche,
the Musiques du monde network, is inviting artists, culture professionals,
researchers, elected officials, journalists, music enthusiasts and
other interested parties to join an open and multidisciplinary discussion.
The objective is to take stock of a reality that is multifaceted and
complex but also eminently concrete, and to determine future actions
to take.”
The États Généraux des Musiques du monde is already
underway and people are being encouraged to take part. The first step
will be an online discussion and participation forum. Until June 30,
the forum will accept articles, positions, and testimonials, with
a view to pinpointing issues and identifying the expectations of the
various parties.
The event is organized by Zone Franche with the support of Cultures
France and in collaboration with Mondomix and Sciences Po Paris.
Parigi ospiterà gli Stati generali
delle musiche del mondo l’11 e 12 settembre 2009. Termine per
la presentazione delle proposte: 30 giugno 2009 >>>

Decolonizing Architecture: bando di partecipazione al progetto in
Palestina >>>
Decolonizing Architecture: call for
participation to the project in Palestine
>>> |

A pranzo con Michelangelo Pistoletto: Osteria La Villetta, Palazzolo
sull'Oglio, 13 giugno 2009 >>>
At lunch with Michelangelo Pistoletto:
Osteria La Villetta, Palazzolo sull'Oglio, 13 June 2009 >>> |

Call for Papers per la Terza Conferenza
Mondiale Culturelink. Termine per la presentazione: 15 luglio 2009
Call for Papers for the Third World Culturelink
Conference. Deadline for submissions: 15 July 2009 >>> |

Quando l’arte finanzia l’arte:
Pistoletto e Sollima a Risonanze #3. Roma, Auditorium Parco della
Musica, 29 maggio-15 giugno 2009 >>>
When art funds art: Pistoletto and Sollima
at Risonanze # 3. Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica, May 29 - June
15 2009 >>> |

Love Difference e Cittadellarte al festival
Din Don D’Arte 2009. Galbiate, 30 maggio-14 giugno 2009 >>>
Love Difference and Cittadellarte at Din
Don D'Arte Festival. Galbiate, May 30-June 14, 2009 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic