Love Difference at the European Forum in
Montpellier, 2-3 July 2009
ADCEI (Association pour le Développement Culturel Européen
et International) and the Euromedinculture network have been chosen
to organize a broad civic consultation on the role of culture within
the construction of Europe, to be held in Montpellier (France), on
the 2nd and 3rd of July, 2009. The consultation opened by ADCEI and
the Euromedinculture network under the program "Europe for Citizens",
aims to provide the European Commission a series of concrete recommendations
on the content of its cultural project. The Grand Forum Montpellier
has started its agenda several months ago, involving hundreds of people.
A series of preparatory regional forums were first held in Spain,
Portugal, United Kingdom, Malta, Belgium, Germany, Greece, France
and Tunisia. To offer the opportunity to as many people to express
themselves, a questionnaire was also distributed widely, asking about
"the place of culture in your own future". A monitoring
coordinated by a group of scientists, has helped to restore and analyse
the answers given by citizens. This information, these experiences,
testimonies and expert opinions will naturally feed the discussions
in the Grand European Forum in Montpellier, to whose activities Love
Difference will contribute.
Love Difference al Forum Europeo di
Montpellier, 2-3 luglio 2009>>>