LDN Love Difference News #125

Love Difference Pastries on Sunday June
28th in Biella for the Inpiazzo | Piazzoff Festival
From Friday 26th to Sunday 28th June 2009, Stalker Teatro presents
the first edition of INPIAZZO-PIAZZOFF, international festival of
art and performance, that will animate the old town centre of Biella.
During three days the ancient district Piazzo will become a big urban
laboratory for the testing and the presentation of artistic events,
concerts, shows, installations, performances, and a place of encounter
for Italian and international artists, cultural operators, workshop
participants and audience.
On Sunday 28th, from 5 pm to 7,30 pm, in Piazza Cisterna, “Love
Difference Pastries” presents the workshop “Fragranzerie”,
carried out during last spring with the Department of Mental Health
of Novara Hospital, organised by the cultural association Asilo Bianco.
Pasticcerie Love Difference domenica
28 giugno a Biella per il Festival Inpiazzo | Piazzoff >>>

Love Difference al Forum Europeo di Montpellier, 2-3 luglio 2009 >>>
Love Difference at the European Forum
in Montpellier, 2-3 July 2009
>>> |

Biennale live: Radioartemobile trasmette in streaming la Biennale
di Venezia >>>
Biennale live: Radioartemobile broadcasting
Venice Biennale 2009, in streaming >>> |

Il Turismo Culturale diventa Virtuale:
sviluppo dell’utenza nei Paesi del Sud-Est Europa. Una pubblicazione
di Culturelink >>>
Cultural tourism goes virtual: audience development in Southeast European
Countries. A publication by Culturelink >>> |

Transient Spaces: the Tourist Syndrome,
bando di partecipazione. Scadenza per la presentazione dei progetti:
30 giugno 2009 >>>
Transient Spaces – The Tourist
Syndrome, open call for participation. Deadline for candidatures:
30 June 2009 >>>

Arte al Centro 2009: inaugura venerdi 3
luglio la rassegna annuale di Cittadellarte. >>>
Art at the centre 2009: opening at Cittadelarte on July 3rd >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic