LDN Love Difference News #125

Art at the centre 2009: opening at Cittadelarte
on July 3rd
The twelfth edition of Art at the centre of a responsible social
transformation opens on the 3rd of July at Cittadellarte-Fondazione
Pistoletto, Biella.
Cittadellarte also inaugurates two new spaces, reclaimed from a building
of great archaeological interest, that underwent careful restoration
and sustainable refurbishing using natural materials and architectural
Besides the permanent exhibitions and the “Bio Ethical Sustainable
Trend” film festival, the programme offers the new exhibitions:
“Collezione FRAC Piemonte”, “Le costellazioni degli
altri” (“The constellation of the others”), solo
exhibition of Juan E. Sandoval, “Place beyond borders”,
“Mediterranean Seas - Love Difference Chairs”.
The exhibition “Place beyond borders”, curated by Judith
Wielander and Love Difference, is a visual and textual project consisting
of a space of witness, analysis and in-depth examination of the subject
of artistic practices applied in places of conflict in the Middle
“Mediterranean Seas - Love Difference Chairs” (furter
information) is a project by Michelangelo Pistoletto and Juan E. Sandoval
with Alias, whose revenues sustain the activities of Love Difference.
Arte al Centro 2009: inaugura venerdi
3 luglio la rassegna annuale di Cittadellarte.>>>

Love Difference al Forum Europeo di Montpellier, 2-3 luglio 2009 >>>
Love Difference at the European Forum
in Montpellier, 2-3 July 2009
>>> |

Biennale live: Radioartemobile trasmette in streaming la Biennale
di Venezia >>>
Biennale live: Radioartemobile broadcasting
Venice Biennale 2009, in streaming >>> |

Il Turismo Culturale diventa Virtuale:
sviluppo dell’utenza nei Paesi del Sud-Est Europa. Una pubblicazione
di Culturelink >>>
Cultural tourism goes virtual: audience development in Southeast European
Countries. A publication by Culturelink >>> |

Transient Spaces: the Tourist Syndrome,
bando di partecipazione. Scadenza per la presentazione dei progetti:
30 giugno 2009 >>>
Transient Spaces – The Tourist
Syndrome, open call for participation. Deadline for candidatures:
30 June 2009 >>>

Pasticcerie Love Difference domenica 28
giugno a Biella per il Festival Inpiazzo | Piazzoff >>>
Love Difference Pastries on Sunday June 28th in Biella for the Inpiazzo
| Piazzoff Festival >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic