LDN Love Difference News #127   07-09-2009

Social Housing / Vivienda Social: International Design Seminar. Florence, 10-20 July 2009
Housing and happiness are the engagement of architects and the purpose of politics?
This and many others are the questions to be addressed at the International Workshop on the theme of Social Housing, organised jointly by Florence University, Milan Politechnic, Universidad CEU San Pablo and ETSAMUniversidad Politecnica de Madrid, under the auspices of Fondazione Michelucci. The same theme, is today interpreted as an opportunity for a sustainable cooperation between banks, private investors and public institutions, and often appears in the political and administrative agenda of cities’ administrations, such as that of Florence: an interesting subject for a new season, with eyes well open upon the world.

Social Housing/Vivienda Social: Seminario Internazionale di Progettazione. Firenze, 10-20 luglio 2009>>>

Love Difference in Sardegna all'XI edizione del Dromos Festival “Clandestino”, dal 24 luglio al 16 agosto 2009 >>>
Love Difference at the Dromos Festival 11th edition “Clandestino” in Sardinia, 24th of July to 16th of August 2009 >>>

Neterature a Studi Aperti 2009: l'11 e il 12 luglio ad Ameno la rassegna di eventi d’arte di Asilo Bianco >>>
Neterature at Studi Aperti by Asilo Bianco: 11th and 12th July 2009, Ameno (Italy) >>>

Canzoni degli oracoli e dei poeti del Mediterraneo. Parigi, Lavoir Moderne Parisien, sabato 11 luglio >>>
Songs of the oracles and poets of the Mediterranean. Paris, Lavoir Moderne Parisien, Saturday July 11 >>>

Premio Giornalista Mediterraneo 2009: termine ultimo per le iscrizioni 15 luglio 2009 >>>
Mediterranean Journalist Award 2009: deadline for subscriptions 15 July 2009

Untranslatables. Il mondo immaginario delle parole >>>
Untranslatables. The imaginary world of words

Schermi divisi in Europa: il mestiere del cinema nei Balcani durante la guerra fredda. Rovereto, giugno-dicembre 2009 >>>
Divided screens in Europe: the art of cinema in the Balkans during the Cold War. Rovereto, June-December 2009

“Come un uomo sulla terra” stasera su Raitre >>>
“Come un uomo sulla terra” tonight on Raitre

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic