LDN Love Difference News #127

Untranslatables. The imaginary world of
"Untranslatables" is not a dictionary. It is not
an encyclopaedia. It is not a language course, a grammar book or linguistic
research: it is an imaginary word universe that shows gaps and (im)possibilities.
It reflects the inability to name everything there is, and the indomitable
human desire to do so. It is a colourful answer for the grey zone
in our daily vocabularies. Through the project’s website, it
is possible to download the book as a pdf file, or discuss an untranslatable
word, or listen to its pronunciation, or even share a new untranslatable
Artists Yolanda de los Bueis, Elisa Marchesini, Christoph Schwarz,
Sarah Vanhee developed "Untranslatables - A Guide To Translingual
Dialogue" within UNIDEE - University of Ideas 2008.
Untranslatables. Il mondo immaginario
delle parole >>>

Love Difference in Sardegna all'XI edizione del Dromos Festival “Clandestino”,
dal 24 luglio al 16 agosto 2009 >>>
Love Difference at the Dromos Festival
11th edition “Clandestino” in Sardinia, 24th of July to
16th of August 2009
>>> |

Neterature a Studi Aperti 2009: l'11 e il 12 luglio ad Ameno la rassegna
di eventi d’arte di Asilo Bianco >>>
Neterature at Studi Aperti by Asilo
Bianco: 11th and 12th July 2009, Ameno (Italy) >>> |

Social Housing/Vivienda Social: Seminario
Internazionale di Progettazione. Firenze, 10-20 luglio 2009 >>>
Social Housing / Vivienda Social: International Design Seminar. Florence,
10-20 July 2009 >>> |

Canzoni degli oracoli e dei poeti del
Mediterraneo. Parigi, Lavoir Moderne Parisien, sabato 11 luglio
Songs of the oracles and poets of
the Mediterranean. Paris, Lavoir Moderne Parisien, Saturday July
11 >>>

Premio Giornalista Mediterraneo 2009: termine
ultimo per le iscrizioni 15 luglio 2009 >>>
Mediterranean Journalist Award 2009: deadline for subscriptions 15
July 2009 >>> |

Schermi divisi in Europa: il mestiere del
cinema nei Balcani durante la guerra fredda. Rovereto, giugno-dicembre
2009 >>>
Divided screens in Europe: the art of cinema in the Balkans during
the Cold War. Rovereto, June-December 2009 >>> |

“Come un uomo sulla terra”
stasera su Raitre >>>
“Come un uomo sulla terra” tonight on Raitre >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic