After ’89. Cinema from the Balkans.
Rovereto, MART, 21 November to 12 December 2009
In the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall,
cinema lovers in Rovereto will have the opportunity to look to the
East. Because twenty years ago, it was not just a wall falling down,
but an entire political and social system. Cinema traditionally mixes
documentation and transfiguration of reality, and often observes with
a disillusioned eye the painful journey, which brought to the new
bordersof the Balkans, among lost opportunities and new conflicts.
On 21 and 28 November and 5 and 12 December 2009, at 9 p.m. at MART’s
Conference Room in Rovereto, the cinema review "After 89"
will open. Through some recent South-Eastern movies, which haven’t
been distributed in Italy, the series of film aims to lead the audience
in a short trip within the changing society in Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Bulgaria. The first meeting is on Saturday, November 21 with "The
Paper Will Be Blue", by Romanian director Radu Muntean, winner
of Locarno Prize 2006.
The review is part of "Devided screens of Europe", organized
in collaboration with Nuovo Cineforum Rovereto and with the support
of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto.
Dopo l'89. Rassegna di cinema dai Balcani.
Rovereto, MART, 21 novembre – 12 dicembre 2009 >>>