LDN Love Difference News #136

Discuss tolerance and hospitality in the
Dutch arts scene: Amsterdam, 28 January 2010
SICA (Stichting Internationale Culturele Activiteiten) is the
Dutch Centre for International Cultural Activities, aiming to stimulate
and support Dutch artists and foreign parties that are involved in
cultural exchange with The Netherlands. On the occasion of the launch
of SICA´s new international magazine Dutch Mountains, SICA and
TransArtist are organising a debate on how tolerance and hospitality
in the arts effect the mobility of artists and therefore the appointed
structures of hospitality - residences, guest studios and artists´
A large and varied network of artist-in-residence centres and guest
studios in The Netherlands provides international artists with opportunities
to develop their work, connect with other (local) artists and to take
part in the Dutch cultural landscape for a certain period of time.
Residency opportunities are part of a culture of hospitality in a
country that is more famous for its tolerant culture than for its
hospitality. What is it that makes The Netherlands attractive for
foreign artists? What inspires them to stay? How do their hosts, artist-in
residence centres, function within their local infrastructure? What
are opportunities and threats for the sustainability of the culture
of hospitality that they represent? The programme includes several
speakers, a panel discussion and the festive launch of the magazine.
It will take place Thursday 28th of January at the premises of the
Smart Project Space, Amsterdam. The entrance is free and the debate
will be in English.
Tolleranza e ospitalità nella scena artistica olandese: Amsterdam,
28 gennaio 2010>>>
I Mediterranei - Sedie Love Difference a Bologna ad ArteFiera Art
First dal 29 al 31 gennaio 2010 >>>
The Mediterraneans - Love Difference
Chairs in Bologna at Arte Fiera Art First, 29th-31st January 2010
>>> |
Rinnova l’amore per le differenze: campagna 2010 di iscrizione
a Love Difference >>>
Renew your love for differences: 2010
Love Difference inscription campaign >>> |
Biennale d'Arte di Confine 2010. Termine
per le iscrizioni: 31 gennaio 2010 >>>
Border Art Biennial 2010 / Bienal Fronteriza
de Arte 2010. Deadline for entries: 31 January 2010 >>> |
Conferenza Internazionale TSCF 2010 "Le
pratiche del Capitale Sociale". Scadenza per la presentazione
di interventi: 15 febbraio 2010 >>>
TSCF 2010 International Conference “Social Capital in Practice”.
Submission deadline: 15 February 2010 >>> |
Cultura senza confini: “Culture
Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research” >>>
Culture Unbound: Journal of Current
Cultural Research >>> |
Fonti sul web: Città e progetti
di arte >>>
Sources on the web: City and Art Projects >>> |