LDN Love Difference News #140

Scholarships for the Hoffman Process: a
gala in Sesto San Giovanni (Milan), March 27, 2010
The Hoffman Quadrinity Process, experiential education program of
personal discovery and education, was designed by Bob Hoffman in the
late sixties. To date, more than 75,000 people worldwide have used
Hoffaman techniques. Today, the method has spread to 14 countries
and is globally coordinated by Hoffman International Institute inc.
based in California. The Hoffman Quadrinity Process, present in Italy
for since 1990, is a residential intensive course of eight days, during
which participants learn how to break with the past, to release accumulated
stress, to overcome resentment and self-limiting behaviours and create
new bases.
To celebrate the milestone of 20 years of the Hoffman Process in Italy,
the Institute organizes an evening gala to be held in Sesto San Giovanni
(Milan) on Saturday the 27th of March at 9 p.m. The event also aims
to communicate the initiative “20 Hoffman scholarships”,
a fund raising for 20 individual Hoffman Courses to be granted to
those who could not otherwise afford it.
During the event dj Roby Vaio and bass player Dan Solo present the
musical performance “Different Channel”.
Borse di studio per il metodo Hoffman: un gal� a Sesto San Giovanni
il 27 marzo 2010>>>
Promemoria 5a edizione di Metodi. Scadenza iscrizioni: 9 aprile 2010
Reminder Methods 5th edition. Deadline
for applications: April 9th 2010
>>> |
- ricerche e progetti che fanno la differenza.
Reggio Children: innovazione e creativit� per l'educazione infantile
Emergencies � researches
and projects making a difference.
Reggio Children: innovation and creativity for the childhood education
Il calcetto Love Difference con Radioartemobile
alla fiera d�arte contemporanea MiArt: Milano, 25-27 marzo 2010 >>>
Love Difference table football with
Radioartemobile at the contemporary art fair MiArt: Milan, 25-27 March
2010 >>> |
Call for paper per il Forum Euro-Mediterraneo
per la Diplomazia Culturale a Rodi. Termine ultimo per le domande: 5
aprile 2010 >>>
Call for paper for the Euro-Mediterranean
Forum for Cultural Diplomacy in Rhodes. Deadline for applications: 5
April 2010 >>> |
EPIM: nuovo invito a presentare proposte
per ONG europee. Termine ultimo per le candidature: 31 marzo 2010
EPIM: new call for proposals for European
NGOs. Deadline for grant applications: 31 March 2010 >>> |
Facce da straniero: una mostra sull�immigrazione
nella fotografia e nel fotogiornalismo. Torino, Museo di Scienze Naturali,
fino al 18 maggio 2010 >>>
Foreigner faces: an exhibit on immigration
in photography and photojournalism. Turin, Museum of Natural Science,
until 18 May 2010 >>> |