LDN Love Difference News #142

Emergencies � researches
and projects making a difference.
Methods Project: Transcend
It is the concept of building bridges which drives mediation. Normally
we talk about compromise, but the word, has often a negative connotation,
implies the idea that at best there is a loss of 50% for each party.
Mediation by seeking creative solutions reveals new perspectives and
new opportunities, so we can see that the situation is not necessarily
a zero-sum game, where one gains what the other has lost.
Transcend is a UN program for nonviolent conflict transformation.
The project was designed by Norwegian Johan Galtung, among the major
precursors of Peace Research. Among his immense scientific output:
‘50 Years: 100 Peace and Conflict Perspectives’ (2008);
‘Democracy - Peace – Development’ (2008) with Paul
Scott; ‘50 Years: 25 Intellectual Landscapes Explore’
(2008); ‘Globalizing God: Religion, Spirituality and Peace’
(2008) with Graeme MacQueen.
The basis of the creative management of conflict method: First, to
identify participants, make a survey of their objectives, and find
their contradictions, and secondly to distinguish between legitimate
and illegitimate targets, and finally to build through creativity
bridges between the different legal positions.
- ricerche e progetti che fanno la differenza.
Progetto Metodi: Transcend>>>
5a edizione di Metodi: il workshop a Biella dal 20 al 24 maggio 2010
Methods 5th edition: the workshop in
Biella, May 20th to 24th 2010
>>> |
Terzo ciclo di Giornate Scientifiche sulle
Teorie della Diversit� Culturale e della Globalizzazione. Beirut,
3-4 maggio 2010 >>>
3rd Science Days on the Theories of
Cultural Diversity and Globalization. Beirut, 3-4 may 2010 >>> |
Seminario Internazionale su Cultura e
Sviluppo: Gerona (Spagna), 4-5 maggio 2010 >>>
The International Seminar on Culture
and Development: Gerona (Spain), 4-5 May 2010 >>> |
Buone pratiche: Public Art Lab. Una comunit�
creativa >>>
Good practices: Public Art Lab, a creative
community >>> |
Artiste iraniane alla XIV Biennale Donna
2010 - Memorie velate. Ferrara, 18 aprile - 13 giugno 2010 >>>
Iranian Artists at the XIV Women Biennial
2010 � Veiled Memories. Ferrara, 18 April to 13 June 2010 >>> |
RAMradioartemobile e Love Difference nell�Appartamento
LAGO. Milano, 16 aprile 2010 >>>
RAMradioartemobile and Love Difference
in LAGO Apartment. Milan, 16 April 2010 >>> |