LDN Love Difference News #142

Science Days on the Theories of Cultural Diversity and Globalization.
Beirut, 3-4 may 2010
The Agence Universitaire de La Francophonie DCAM (Diversité
des expressions Culturelles et Artistiques, et Mondialisation) research
network has published the provisional program for the 3rd Science
Days on the Theories of Cultural Diversity and Globalization to be
held in Beirut on May 3 and 4, 2010. Organised jointly by the Saint
Joseph University in Beirut and the network DCAM, the scientific sessions
of Beirut follow the regional scientific workshops organized on 2
and 3 December 2006 in Oran (Algeria), and those held on 24 and 25
October 2008 in Koper (Slovenia).
The event seeks to “examine theoretical conceptions of cultural
diversity and globalization and field test them in the complex environment
of the French-speaking world,” according to the DCAM network.
The meetings will focus on four main areas: Culture and diversity;
Cultural diversity and globalization; Cultural and linguistic diversity;
Cultural diversity: between heritage and creation, resistance and
invention. .
Terzo ciclo di Giornate Scientifiche sulle Teorie della Diversit�
Culturale e della Globalizzazione. Beirut, 3-4 maggio 2010>>>
5a edizione di Metodi: il workshop a Biella dal 20 al 24 maggio 2010
Methods 5th edition: the workshop in
Biella, May 20th to 24th 2010
>>> |
Emergenze - ricerche
e progetti che fanno la differenza.
Progetto Metodi: Transcend >>>
Emergencies � researches
and projects making a difference.
Methods Project: Transcend >>> |
Seminario Internazionale su Cultura e
Sviluppo: Gerona (Spagna), 4-5 maggio 2010 >>>
The International Seminar on Culture
and Development: Gerona (Spain), 4-5 May 2010 >>> |
Buone pratiche: Public Art Lab. Una comunit�
creativa >>>
Good practices: Public Art Lab, a creative
community >>> |
Artiste iraniane alla XIV Biennale Donna
2010 - Memorie velate. Ferrara, 18 aprile - 13 giugno 2010 >>>
Iranian Artists at the XIV Women Biennial
2010 � Veiled Memories. Ferrara, 18 April to 13 June 2010 >>> |
RAMradioartemobile e Love Difference nell�Appartamento
LAGO. Milano, 16 aprile 2010 >>>
RAMradioartemobile and Love Difference
in LAGO Apartment. Milan, 16 April 2010 >>> |