LDN Love Difference News #142

and Love Difference in LAGO Apartment. Milan, 16 April 2010
At the Salone Internazionale del Mobile (International Furnishing
Exhibition) in Milan, on Friday, April 16 at 7 p.m. LAGO opens the
doors of its apartment in Via Brera to RAMradioartemobile and Love
Difference, in collaboration with atemporarystudio, to present the
video documentation of Love Difference Soccer Table, by Michelangelo
Pistoletto and Diego Paccagnella.
The film documents RAM’s initiative at MiArt 2010, which brought
together around the Love
Difference Table Football important figures in the worlds of sport,
art, design, industry and politics.
Driven by the same idea, Love Difference and RAMradioartemobile fit
perfectly in LAGO Apartment’s design philosophy. LAGO apartments
are designed to host, work, relax and give birth to the ideas that
shape the future. On that occasion, 12 limited edition artist’s
chairs will be placed around a LAGO table. RAM and Love Difference
will organize a series of informal meetings where guests will be invited
to submit new proposals on the issues of aggregation and comparison
of different worlds.
RAMLIVE will record and broadcast the events in the LAGO apartment.
RAMradioartemobile e Love Difference nell�Appartamento LAGO. Milano,
16 aprile 2010 >>>
5a edizione di Metodi: il workshop a Biella dal 20 al 24 maggio 2010
Methods 5th edition: the workshop in
Biella, May 20th to 24th 2010
>>> |
Emergenze - ricerche
e progetti che fanno la differenza.
Progetto Metodi: Transcend >>>
Emergencies � researches
and projects making a difference.
Methods Project: Transcend >>> |
Terzo ciclo di Giornate Scientifiche sulle
Teorie della Diversit� Culturale e della Globalizzazione. Beirut,
3-4 maggio 2010 >>>
3rd Science Days on the Theories of
Cultural Diversity and Globalization. Beirut, 3-4 may 2010 >>>
Seminario Internazionale su Cultura e
Sviluppo: Gerona (Spagna), 4-5 maggio 2010 >>>
The International Seminar on Culture
and Development: Gerona (Spain), 4-5 May 2010 >>> |
Artiste iraniane alla XIV Biennale Donna
2010 - Memorie velate. Ferrara, 18 aprile - 13 giugno 2010 >>>
Iranian Artists at the XIV Women Biennial
2010 � Veiled Memories. Ferrara, 18 April to 13 June 2010 >>> |
Artiste iraniane alla XIV Biennale Donna
2010 - Memorie velate. Ferrara, 18 aprile - 13 giugno 2010
Iranian Artists at the XIV Women Biennial
2010 � Veiled Memories. Ferrara, 18 April to 13 June 2010 >>>