LDN Love Difference News #156 01-20-2011

Ramon Roca Boncompte International Award For Cultural Management Studies. Deadline for submissions: 1 April 2011
With the aim of contributing to the development of dissemination of research in the field of cultural management at the European level, Ros Roca Group and FiraTarrega have launched the Ramon Roca Boncompte International Award for Cultural Management.
Participants should submit studies that refer to the analysis or field work in cultural management, such as case studies, impact on the territory, comparative studies, cooperation, cultural policies, analysis of organisations, typologies of professionals and audiences, R+D, sponsorship and patronage, etc. The final work must be unpublished and written in Catalan, or Castilian/Spanish, or English, with a minimum length of 60 one-side DIN A-4 pages (excluding annexes).
The prize consist of € 6,000. The works must be sent in PDF format between the 1st of October 2010 and the 1st of April 2011.
Ramon Roca Boncompte Premio Internazionale per gli Studi di gestione culturale. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 1 aprile 2011 >>>
"Identità al Centro": sabato 29 gennaio l'evento conclusivo del progetto per la riqualificazione del centro storico di Montevarchi >>>
“Identity at the Centre”: Saturday 29th January the event for the conclusion of the project for the improvement of the historic centre of Montevarchi >>> |
L’Osservatorio dei Territori: un workshop di fotografia del territorio con Jean-Michel Landecy. Milano, 25-29 maggio 2011 >>>
The Observatory of Territories: A workshop on territory’s photography with Jean-Michel Landecy. Milan, 25-29 May 2011 >>> |
Arte, scienza e sostenibilità nel concorso “Science en plein air”. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 14 febbraio 2011 >>>
Art, science and sustainability in the contest "Science en plein air". Deadline for applications: 14 February 2011 >>> |
“Hassan x2 e il Pozzo magico”: un progetto culturale sulla crisi idrica al Cairo >>>
“Hassan x2 and the Magic Well”: a cultural project on water crisis in Cairo >>> |
Premio di fotografia Humanity Photo Awards sulle Culture Popolari. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 15 aprile 2011 >>>
Humanity Photo Awards on Folklore Cultures. Deadline for submissions: 15 April 2011 >>> |
Love Difference aderisce all’appello per Jafar Panahi >>>
Love Difference Joins the petition for Jafar Panahi >>> |