LDN Love Difference News #156 01-20-2011

“Hassan x2 and the Magic Well”: a cultural project on water crisis in Cairo The project “Hassan x2 and the Magic Well” is based on the homonymous play, a story by Ahmed El Attar and Sayed Ragab. The topic of the play is the water crisis that the world is facing and that will become critical in the coming two decades. Although the Nile river represents a wealth of water resources, in Egypt, the increase in population, and the revival of discussions concerning the distribution of the Nile water among the source countries represent a major concern for the future of water resources in Egypt.
It is a Temple Independent Theater Company project through the production of Orient Production and organized and co-produced by Studio Emad Eddin Foundation. The project has received the financial support of the Swedish International Development Agency and Dramatiska Institutet, The Cultural Fund of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Cairo and the Prince Claus Fund, and it is supported by the American University in Cairo, Department of Performing and Visual Arts.
The project seeks to inform audiences about the water crisis and offer practical strategies and steps that individuals can take to address it, all within an artistic frame through the different components of the project: the play, the exhibition, the comic book and a series of workshops for kids and adults: “Exploring the Backstage Life”, “Education Through Art”, “Photography and Comics for Kids”. The play will be showing from February 17th to 25th, 2011 at the AUC Fallaky Theater, Downtown, Cairo. Workshops will be held in the month of February.
Deadline for inscriptions: 27 January 2011.
“Hassan x2 e il Pozzo magico”: un progetto culturale sulla crisi idrica al Cairo >>>
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