LDN Love Difference News #159

Ratti Foundation Advanced Course in Visual Arts with Susan Hiller. Deadline for applications: 8 April 2011
The Advanced Course in Visual Arts (CSAV) is dedicated to young artists from all over the world. Created and directed by Annie Ratti since 1995 at Ratti Foudation in Como, Italy, it will be curated this year by Andrea Lissoni and Cesare Pietroiusti with the coordination of Angela Maderna. The course is conceived as a experimental lab for art and theory conducted by an artist, who each year shares his/her thinking and artistic practice with the participants, and develops along with the students a project specifically conceived for the course.
The 17th edition of the CSAV titled “The Dream Seminar II” will be held from the 28th June to the 26th of July 2010 and will have the duration of thirty days. Susan Hiller, will be the visiting professor. A scientific commission will select the 20 participating young artists from the presented portfolios. The participants of the workshop will be involved in daily activities dedicated both to the reflection and to the practice of the artistic activity. During the course, seminars and public lectures held by experts of international culture will contribute to deepen and extend the theme of the course. The Foundation will produce the exhibition of the invited artist and will offer the young artists the possibility to publicly show their works during the course. The Advanced Course in Visual Arts is free. Accommodation and travel expenses are not covered.
Deadline for applications: 8 April 2011.
Fondazione Antonio Ratti: bando di partecipazione al XVII corso superiore di arti visive con Susan Hiller. Scadenza: 8 aprile 2011 >>>
Love Difference e Artway of thinking al lavoro sulla mostra "Trasformazione" >>>
The exhibition "Trasformazione" by Love Difference and artway of thinking >>> |
MOVIN’UP 2011 - mobilità nel mondo per giovani artisti italiani XIII edizione. Scadenza per le domande: 20 maggio 2011 >>>
MOVIN'UP 2011 - mobility in the world for young Italian artists - thirteenth edition. Deadline for applications: 20 May 2011 >>> |
Bando per una residenza X-OP al Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (MMSU) di Rijeka, Croazia. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 15 aprile 2011 >>>
Call for X-OP Residency at Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMSU), Rijeka, Croatia. Deadline for applications: 15 April 2011 >>> |
Festival Internazionale Universitario per i Beni Culturali e l’Arte Folk. Agadir, Marocco, 20-23 aprile 2011. Termine per la presentazione delle proposte: 10 marzo 2011 >>>
International University Festival for Cultural Heritage and Folk Arts. Agadir, Morocco, 20-23 April 2011. Deadline for proposals submission: March 10th, 2011 >>> |
Luoghi impossibili, confronti tra culture, provocazioni: il nuovo sito di “Out of the box” >>>
Impossible sites, comparisons between cultures, provocations: Out-of-the-box’s new website >>> |
Fonti sul web: la Rete degli Artisti dei Balcani occidentali >>>
Sources on the web: the Western Balkans Artists Network >>> |