LDN Love Difference News #160 03-16-2011

Transformation: exhibition and workshops
Trasformazione (Transformation) is an exhibition presenting on April 1-30, 2011 in Montevarchi (Arezzo, Italy) the results of Methods, an interdisciplinary research project on collective and individual processes; it is a display, an installation offering new perspectives on oneself and on society as subjects and places of change. Trasformazione is a constantly changing show. To carry out a change, we need to experiment and to test own personal contribution. The programme offers a series of workshops, allowing the public to tests methods and models on display.
All visitors are invited to register, to become bearers of a transformation inside and outside of themselves.
Info and registrations: ph. +390150991456; g.fiore@lovedifference.org
Trasformazione: la mostra, i laboratori >>>
MOVIN’UP 2011 - mobilità nel mondo per giovani artisti italiani XIII edizione. Scadenza per le domande: 20 maggio 2011 >>>
MOVIN'UP 2011 - mobility in the world for young Italian artists - thirteenth edition. Deadline for applications: 20 May 2011 >>> |
Bando per una residenza X-OP al Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (MMSU) di Rijeka, Croazia. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 15 aprile 2011 >>>
Call for X-OP Residency at Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMSU), Rijeka, Croatia. Deadline for applications: 15 April 2011 >>> |
Festival Internazionale Universitario per i Beni Culturali e l’Arte Folk. Agadir, Marocco, 20-23 aprile 2011. Termine per la presentazione delle proposte: 10 marzo 2011 >>>
International University Festival for Cultural Heritage and Folk Arts. Agadir, Morocco, 20-23 April 2011. Deadline for proposals submission: March 10th, 2011 >>> |
Fondazione Antonio Ratti: bando di partecipazione al XVII corso superiore di arti visive con Susan Hiller. Scadenza: 8 aprile 2011 >>>
Ratti Foundation Advanced Course in Visual Arts with Susan Hiller. Deadline for applications: 8 April 2011 >>> |
Luoghi impossibili, confronti tra culture, provocazioni: il nuovo sito di “Out of the box” >>>
Impossible sites, comparisons between cultures, provocations: Out-of-the-box’s new website >>> |
Fonti sul web: la Rete degli Artisti dei Balcani occidentali >>>
Sources on the web: the Western Balkans Artists Network >>> |