LDN Love Difference News #160 03-16-2011

Transformation, the workshops: Saturday, April 2, 2 pm: “Knowledge transforms”, by Hoffman Institute.
A chance to consider the main instrument available to us – ourselves – through the emotional, intellectual, physical and energetic aspect. Our character is a prism, through which we view and interpret the world, the others, ourselves, what we do, everything. Knowing our way of being (the character) let us take advantage of our talent and capability.
Workshop intended for adults (18 years and over).
Info and registrations: ph. +390150991456; g.fiore@lovedifference.org

Trasformazione, i laboratori: sabato 2 aprile, ore 14,30: “La conoscenza trasforma”, a cura dell'Istituto Hoffman. >>>

Trasformazione: la mostra, i laboratori >>>
Transformation: exhibition and workshops >>>
Trasformazione, i laboratori: venerdì 1 aprile, ore 18,30: “La banca del tempo: perché, per chi, per fare cosa”, a cura dell'Associazione Nazionale Banca del Tempo. >>>
Transformation, the workshops: Friday, April 1, 6:30 pm: “The Time Bank: what, why, for whom?”, curated by the Time Bank National Association. >>>
Trasformazione, i laboratori: domenica 3 aprile, ore 15,30: “Temporaneamente aperti”, a cura di 121+ libreria extemporanea. >>>
Transformation, the workshops: Sunday, April 3, 3:30 pm: “Temporarily open”, by 121 + libreria extemporanea. >>>
Trasformazione, i laboratori: sabato 16 aprile, ore 10,30: “Tu sei un progetto posturale”, a cura del Dott. Max Rapkin, chiropratico. >>>
Transformation, the workshops: Saturday, April 16, 10:30 am: “You are a postural project”, by Dr. Max Rapkin, chiropractor. >>>
Trasformazione, i laboratori: sabato 16 aprile, ore 15,00: “Augmented Action Learning”, a cura di Sharazad Consulting. >>>
Transformation, the workshops: Saturday, April 16, 3 pm: “Augmented Action Learning”, by Scheherazade Consulting. >>>
Trasformazione, i laboratori: domenica 17 aprile, ore 15,00: “Fragili equilibri”, a cura dell'associazione Modidi-Creare Sostenibile. >>>
Transformation, the workshops: Sunday, April 17, 3 pm: “Fragile balances”, by Modidi- Creare Sostenibile Association. >>>