LDN Love Difference News #160 03-16-2011

Transformation, the workshops: Sunday, April 17, 3 pm: “Fragile balances”, by Modidi- Creare Sostenibile Association.
A tangible tale offered to children, aimed at understand the value of objects. Used things are not supposed to become rubbish, they can find a new life. We start from the observation of metals, in order to understand their basic properties. We will focus on aluminum, analyzing its physical, chemical, mechanical properties; we will then follow step by step the various stages of its processing, from the raw material, to emphasize its potentialities in the recycling process. For children aged 6 to 10 years accompanied by parents.
Info and registrations: ph. +390150991456; g.fiore@lovedifference.org

Trasformazione, i laboratori: domenica 17 aprile, ore 15,00: “Fragili equilibri”, a cura dell'associazione Modidi-Creare Sostenibile. >>>

Trasformazione: la mostra, i laboratori >>>
Transformation: exhibition and workshops >>>
Trasformazione, i laboratori: venerdì 1 aprile, ore 18,30: “La banca del tempo: perché, per chi, per fare cosa”, a cura dell'Associazione Nazionale Banca del Tempo. >>>
Transformation, the workshops: Friday, April 1, 6:30 pm: “The Time Bank: what, why, for whom?”, curated by the Time Bank National Association. >>>
Trasformazione, i laboratori: sabato 2 aprile, ore 14,30: “La conoscenza trasforma”, a cura dell'Istituto Hoffman. >>>
Transformation, the workshops: Saturday, April 2, 2 pm: “Knowledge transforms”, by Hoffman Institute. >>>
Trasformazione, i laboratori: domenica 3 aprile, ore 15,30: “Temporaneamente aperti”, a cura di 121+ libreria extemporanea. >>>
Transformation, the workshops: Sunday, April 3, 3:30 pm: “Temporarily open”, by 121 + libreria extemporanea. >>>
Trasformazione, i laboratori: sabato 16 aprile, ore 10,30: “Tu sei un progetto posturale”, a cura del Dott. Max Rapkin, chiropratico. >>>
Transformation, the workshops: Saturday, April 16, 10:30 am: “You are a postural project”, by Dr. Max Rapkin, chiropractor. >>>
Trasformazione, i laboratori: sabato 16 aprile, ore 15,00: “Augmented Action Learning”, a cura di Sharazad Consulting. >>>
Transformation, the workshops: Saturday, April 16, 3 pm: “Augmented Action Learning”, by Scheherazade Consulting. >>>