New GenerActions: 4 scholarships for learning-by-doing experience in Montevarchi with artway of thinking. Deadline for applications: 15 April 2011
Ginestra Fabbrica della Conoscenza (cultural association) offers a training course organised in a learning-by-doing class format by ArtWay of Thinking: a 10-months experience programme of co-management and co-design of the activities of the association in Montevarchi (Arezzo, Italy). The open call "NuoveGenerAzioni 2011" is intended to select four professionals who will receive training and will work alongside artway of thinking until March 2012. The open call is addressed to graduate level, specialized or occupied in the following disciplines: communication and social media, design, art, social and territorial policies, inter-cultural issues, training, architecture, environmental sciences, public relations, fundraising and cultural management, information technology, librarianship. Applications for NuoveGenerAzioni are open to everyone, regardless of nationality or residence of the candidate, in accordance with the requirements (born between 1975 and 1986 and qualification). The training will include classes, meetings and discussions with experts, study tours, workshops, individual and group researches. Focal point of the learning-by-doing method will be the implementation of the guidelines, activities, and cultural programme of Ginestra. The four shortlisted candidates will be awarded a grant of € 400 per month.
The application (CV and motivation letter) must be received no later than April 15, 2011.
Nuove GenerAzioni: 4 borse di studio per un percorso di learning by doing a Montevarchi con artway of thinking. Scadenza per le domande: 15 aprile 2011 >>>