ZUP: from the territory to the soup, and back. The first workshop of regional exploration in Milan, 1-3 April 2011
ZUP - Urban Soup Project - Cultural Actions in the Territory is a cultural project of urban regeneration whose main ingredients are food and creativity. The aim is to set up a collective narrative, to promote culture in the territory throughout its inhabitants, to involve them in taking care of public spaces. The soup (zuppa in Italian) is the symbolic centre of this work, as the result of a blending of different ingredients. It is a dish, present in every culinary culture, with a close relationship with the territory and the seasons.
The first edition of the project will take place in Milan, in the district of Dergano, in three stages: the Spring Lunch (Saturday, 26 March), the ZUP Workshop (1 to 3 April, 2011) and the ZUP Festival, featuring tours, tastings and workshops in the streets of Dergano (Saturday, May 21, 2011). Namely, ZUP workshop is intended to offer on April 1-3 spatial explorations and creations of unusual recipes of new “neighbourhood soups”, stressing out different points of view, cross-eyes, wishes to play and get involved; the aim is to start a process of participation through creativity.
Registrations: send your c.v. to progettozuppa@gmail.com by March 29, 2011.
ZUP: dal territorio alla zuppa, e ritorno. Iscrizioni per il primo workshop di esplorazione territoriale a Milano entro il 29 marzo 2011 >>>