Open Call for the International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary Film and Reportage, Marseilles. Deadline for submissions: 15th April 2011
Created in 1995, the International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary Film and Reportage now called PriMed aims to give a better visibility to films dealing with society, history, heritage and art in Mediterranean countries. It also promotes a better distribution of these films in the region.
The annual festival is organised by CMCA (Mediterranean Centre for Audiovisual Communication) in Marseilles and RAI (Italian public television) in collaboration with other broadcasting partners. Each year the CMCA receives some 300 films coming from 30 countries to compete in different categories: Mediterranean challenges, Memory, Art, Heritage and Culture, First Film, Investigative Documentary.
PriMed, now launching its call for films for its nine awards is open to all television companies (public or private), production houses (public, private or community-based), authors, journalists, and documentary film makers who, through their work, spread a wider and deeper awareness of Mediterranean history, culture and tradition.
Deadline for submissions: 15th April 2011.
Bando per il Festival Internazionale del Film Documentario e Reportage Mediterraneo, Marsiglia. Scadenza: 15 aprile 2011 >>>