LDN Love Difference News #161 03-24-2011

Strengthening the Governance of Culture in Developing Countries: Unesco Call for Applications. Deadlines: 30 April and 30 June, 2011
UNESCO launches an international call for applications for technical assistance missions: Strengthening the Governance of Culture in Developing Countries. The first stage of the project, which seeks to strengthen cultural governance in developing countries, established a pool of cultural policy and governance experts. UNESCO is now launching the project’s second phase: an international call for applications for technical assistance missions in developing countries. The beneficiary countries whose mission applications are selected by the Steering Committee will then be able to choose experts from this pool to carry out the technical assistance mission. These experts will work directly with the public authorities, contributing their valuable experience and know-how. According to the UNESCO press release, “These missions will be based on the needs and priorities of the beneficiary countries and will be undertaken by top experts in the field of cultural policies. The missions will support the beneficiary countries in their efforts to establish legal, regulatory, and/or institutional frameworks and/or introduce policies that address the role of culture in social and economic development, particularly through the cultural industries.”
The list of eligible countries is available on the UNESCO website.
To be considered, applications must be received by the UNESCO Secretariat no later than April 30, 2011, or June 30, 2011.
Rafforzare la Governance della cultura nei paesi in via di sviluppo: bando Unesco. Scadenze: 30 aprile e 30 giugno 2011 >>>
Nuove GenerAzioni: 4 borse di studio per un percorso di learning by doing a Montevarchi con artway of thinking. Scadenza per le domande: 15 aprile 2011 >>>
New GenerActions: 4 scholarships for learning-by-doing experience in Montevarchi with artway of thinking. Deadline for applications: 15 April 2011 >>> |
ZUP: dal territorio alla zuppa, e ritorno. Iscrizioni per il primo workshop di esplorazione territoriale a Milano entro il 29 marzo 2011 >>>
ZUP: from the territory to the soup, and back. The first workshop of regional exploration in Milan, 1-3 April 2011 >>> |
Bando per il Festival Internazionale del Film Documentario e Reportage Mediterraneo, Marsiglia. Scadenza: 15 aprile 2011 >>>
Open Call for the International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary Film and Reportage, Marseilles. Deadline for submissions: 15th April 2011 >>> |
Bando per partecipare “Poveri voi”: un progetto culturale e tre settimane in Africa >>>
Open Call "Poveri voi": a cultural project, and three weeks in Africa >>> |
Fonti sul web: la mobilità nelle arti con il sito di on-the-move >>>
Sources on the web: mobility in the arts with on-the-move website >>> |