LDN Love Difference News #161 03-24-2011

Sources on the web: mobility in the arts with on-the-move website
On-the-Move provides information on international mobility in the arts. The on-the-move.org website aims to facilitate cross-border mobility in the arts and culture sector, thereby contributing to a vibrant European-shared cultural space that is strongly connected worldwide. On-the-Move collaborates with cultural information providers at a local, national, and international level through the OTM 2010+ network for cultural mobility information. The objectives of the network are: to build up a common hub for exchange and coordination on cultural mobility information between grassroots, national, and European providers and key players; to develop channels for an efficient and transparent dissemination of information; to contribute to raising awareness and discussion on topics concerning cultural mobility and help advance them at the E.U. political level by following the political process, especially as concerns the OMC expert groups, mobility pilot projects, and the European Agenda for Culture. On-the-Move was set up by IETM, then the Informal European Theatre Meeting and now known as the International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts. In 2001 the European Cultural Foundation (Netherlands) funded a feasibility study undertaken by IETM in collaboration with Relais-Culture-Europe (France), with advice from the Lasipalatsi Film and Media Center (Finland). From 2007 to 2009 On-the-Move developed a partnership network of connectors who provided expertise, content, and knowledge in the fields of online information and the performing arts. In 2009 the network was expanded to become On-the-Move, a network for cultural mobility information with over 30 members in over 20 countries in Europe and beyond.
The site is available in English and German.
Fonti sul web: la mobilità nelle arti con il sito di on-the-move >>>
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