LDN Love Difference News #28

Codex, a workshop on art and free
knowledge by Love Difference, Cittadellarte, and Hipatia. Tunis, 14-19
November 2005
In the sphere of the Third Paradise
by Michelangelo Pistoletto and Cittadellarte, Love Difference &
Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto in collaboration with Hipatia
and the Digital Departement of the Brazilian Ministry of Culture are
organizing the first edition of Codex, a Workshop on Art and Free
Knowledge for Responsible Social Transformation of civil society.
The workshop will be held on November 14-19 2005, at Fondazione Orestiadi,
Dar Bach Hamba Palace in Tunis. On the same days, the city of Tunis
will host the World Summit of Information Society (WSIS), a United
Nations meeting of world leaders and businesses on information technology
and communications. Codex is a workshop for exchange, brainstorming,
and networking between artists, cultural operators, and free knowledge
thinkers. It aims to create a network of similarly minded individuals
and groups who are interested in transforming society through alternative
creative means.
The exchange of knowledge during the workshop will allow the analysis
of the tools and strategies, used to interact with social contexts;
the defining of common needs; the elaboration of common strategies
in order to promote new collaborations in the Mediterranean area.
The structure of the workshop is that of a round table with 8 to 10
participants. Each speaker will present a project thought a paper
that will be discussed with a counterpart. Discussion will be in English.
For further information: info@lovedifference.org
Codex, un workshop su arte e conoscenze
libere organizzato da Love Difference, Cittadellarte e Hipatia a Tunisi,
14-19 novembre 2005>>>

Dal 5 Novembre a Torino la
nuova edizione di Luci d’Artista. Michelangelo Pistoletto
presenta l’opera “Love Difference”
Michelangelo Pistoletto presents
his work “Love Difference” at the new edition of Luci
d'Artista in Turin, from the 5th of November
>>> |

Metodi: il secondo
workshop internazionale sull’arte per il cambiamento sociale si
terrà ad Arte Fiera a Bologna dal 27 al 30 gennaio 2006; disponibili
borse di studio per la partecipazione >>>
Methods: the second international
workshop on art for social transformation at Bologna Arte Fiera 27-30
January 2006. Grants for travel and lodging available >>> |

Il cuore della questione
– Il ruolo delle arti e della cultura nei Balcani. Una conferenza
il 1 Dicembre 2005 all’Aia >>>
The Heart of the Matter - The
role of the arts and culture for the Balkans. A conference on the 1st
of December in The Hague - Holland >>> |

La quarta sessione del Parlamento Culturale
Europeo a Lisbona, dal 2 al 4 dicembre 2005 >>>
The fourth session of the European
Cultural Parlament in Lisbon, 2-4 December 2005 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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