LDN Love Difference News #29

The MINIMUM PRIZE 2005 to Richard
Stallman: awarding ceremony on November 17th in Tunis
Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto awarded
the Minimum Prize 2005 to Richard Stallman for the GNU/Linux project.
The prize has been delivered on 17th November, at Dar Bach Hamba Palace
in Tunis by Brazilian Minister of Culture, Gilberto Gil.
The Minimum Prize is dedicated to those who initiate a process of
responsible transformation in society.
Minimum like the relationship between individuals that, through the
interaction of different singularities, produces great turning points
in human civilisation.
Minimum like the embryo, the generating principle of a new society,
the key to an evolutionary stage in which creativity and human science
find ways to coexist with the intelligence of nature.
Now in its fifth year (in 2004 the prize was awarded to the book
Talking with the enemy by Jamil Hilal and Ilan Pappe), the 2005
Minimum Prize goes to Richard Stallman, inventor of the GNU Operating
System, for having created the world free software movement and, through
this, for having initiated the development of new source codes of
freedom in human society.
The Minimum Prize award ceremony is one of the activities organised
at Dar Bach Hamba Palace in Tunis within "the third paradise
- art and free knowledge", Michelangelo Pistoletto’s and
Cittadellarte’s exhibition, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva
and Cittadellarte.
Il MINIMUM PRIZE 2005 a Richard
Stallman: cerimonia di premiazione la sera del 17 novembre a Tunisi>>>

CoDex in diretta da Tunisi:
ecco la lista dei partecipanti al laboratorio organizzato da Love Difference
CoDex live from Tunis: here’s
the list of participants at the workshop organised by Love Difference
>>> |

Fonti sull’arte
pubblica nella rete: il nuovo sito di Republicart è on line
Sources for public art on the
web: the new website of Republicart now online >>> |

Gulliver Connect 2005/2006:
la Fondazione Meritis lancia il programma di mobilità per l’arte
per l’Europa Centrale e Orientale. Scadenza per le domande il
15 Dicembre >>>
Gulliver Connect 2005/2006:
Meritis Foundation launches its art mobility programme from the Central
and Eastern Eurpe and the Caucasus. Deadline on December 15>>> |

Programma Kokkalis: studenti dall’Europa
Sud-orientale alla Kennedy School of Government di Harvard. Scadenza
per le domande: 6 gennaio 2006 >>>
Kokkalis Programme: students from
Southeastern Europe at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
Deadline for applications: January 6, 2006 >>> |

Libertà di stampa nel Mediterraneo:
due casi di censura in Egitto e Tunisia >>>
Free Press in the Mediterranean: two
cases in Egypt and Tunisia >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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