LDN Love Difference News #30

Workshop "Welfare of the sea:
politics in wave. Towards the constitution of a local net of maritime
welfare" in Venice friday 25th and saturday 26th On November 25th and 26 in Venice at the TERMINAL PASSEGGERI,
Terminal 103, Marittima, the workshop "Welfare of the sea: politics
in wave. Towards the constitution of a local net of maritime welfare"
will be held.
The workshop will compare various European political examples of maritime
welfare in order to estimate their contribution to the daily management
of the activities and of the processes happening within the harbour
area. The aim is to bring attention on the seamen's work conditions.
With the participation of:
Mr. Jean-Yves Legouas (ILO - International Labour Organization), Mr.
Andrew Elliott (CSW - International Committee on Seafarers Welfare),
Mr. Angel Llorente (France - FAAM), Ms. Tatiana Tarasik (Ukraine -
Mortrans), Mr. Adrian Mihalcioiu (Rumania - Welfare Port Committee),
Mr. Adolf Romagosa (Spain - Barcelona Harbour Committee).
Promoted by STELLA MARIS' FRIENDS /Seafarers’ Welfare Venice
- Associazione di Promozione Sociale.
COMUNE DI VENEZIA - Direzione Relazioni Internazionali e Politiche
Comunitarie - “Apriamo i Muri” Program / Urban Italia
Further information: info@stellamarisfriends.org
tel. 0039 041 5384806 / 0039 340-3947841 (Renato Mingardi).
"Il welfare del mare: politiche in onda. Verso la costituzione
di una rete locale di welfare marittimo" a Venezia venerdì
25 e sabato 26>>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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