LDN Love Difference News #33

Unrecognized. An exhibition
of Tal Adler’s project, realized in collaboration with Love
Difference, from 21st January in Hulon (Israel). First stage of the
European tour
First opening on Saturday 21st January
until 11th march in the Israeli Center for Digital Art, Hulon, for
the exhibition Unrecognized - A struggle for recognition,
by the Israeli artist Tal Adler. Through 34 phographic portraits and
as many stories, Unrecognized (go
to the project)reveals
voices and faces from bedouin villages of Negev, not recognized by
the Israeli government: another problematic issue in the contradictory
and tormented Israel of today. No building permits were ever granted
to the inhabitants of the unrecognized villages - citizens of the
state of Israel. Frequent house demolitions are carried out in the
villages, synchronized by the ministry of interior affairs, the military,
Border Patrol, Police, the "green patrol" and other governmental
Unrecognized has been realized in collaboration with Love
Difference, which also promoted and still promotes the diffusion of
the project in Italy (at the 50th and at the 51st Venice Biennale)
and in Europe.

Unrecognized. Il progetto
di Tal Adler, realizzato in collaborazione con Love Difference, in
mostra dal 21 gennaio ad Hulon (Israele). Prima tappa di un tour europeo>>>

Dal 27 al 29 gennaio a Bologna
Metodi arte - società, il workshop di Cittadellarte
e Artfactories ad Arte Fiera: iscriversi è libero è gratuito
Bologna, 27th-29th January, Methods
art - society, a workshop by Cittadellarte and Artfactories: participation
is open - and free of charge
>>> |

Il calcetto Love
Difference di Diego Paccagnella alla mostra Piemonte Torino Design:
a Torino, Sala Bolaffi, dal 26 gennaio al 19 marzo >>>
Love Difference table football
designed by Diego Paccagnella at Piemonte Torino Design exhibition:
Turin, January 26th - March 19th >>> |

Bando 2006 della Fondazione
Euro-Mediterranea Anna Lindh per il dialogo interculturale. Prima scadenza
per la presentazione dei progetti: 1 marzo 2006 >>>
Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean
Foundation Call for Proposals 2006 for intercultural dialogue. First
deadline: 1st March 2006 >>> |

Illy presenta la serie delle tazzine disegnate
dai residenti Unidee di Cittadellarte >>>
Illy presents 2005 collection, designed
by residents from Cittadellarte Unidee >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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