LDN Love Difference News #35

Unidee in Residence 2006: artists
in residence in Cittadellarte, in collaboration with Love Difference.
Call for Applications now on line, deadline on April 10th
Unidee in Residence is an international
residence program open to students and graduates of various university
faculties, to artists and to professionals from any country in the
The growing interest in researching and developing ideas in all sectors
of society is not interpreted by Unidee in generic terms but as the
need for a creative contribution to transformation in all areas of
activity. Unidee offers all the course participants an experience
unlike anything offered in any other university or academic program.
Work is grounded in an imaginative and research-oriented practice
that operates within each discipline and is directed towards the responsible
transformation of society. The residency lasts four months, from 3rd
July to 31st October. The official language is English. Twenty residencies
are available each year, scholarship grants are available, total and
partial cover.
The work of the Unidee residents involves constant interaction with
the offices of Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, which
put the program of responsible social transformation into effect through
projects developed in conjunction with public and private institutions,
companies, cultural bodies and economic and production structures.
Love Difference, main project at Cittadellarte’s Politics Office,
every year is involved in Unidee courses and programs.
Applications must be submitted by 10th April 2006.
On line il bando 2006 di Unidee
in Residence, residenza di artisti a Cittadellarte, in collaborazione
con Love Difference. Scadenza: 10 aprile>>>

Michelangelo Pistoletto,
Cittadellarte ed Enzo Cucchi: una conversazione attorno al Tavolo Love
Difference. Bergamo, giovedì 2 febbraio 2006 >>>
Michelangelo Pistoletto, Cittadellarte
and Enzo Cucchi: a conversation around the Love Difference Table. Bergamo,
Thursday 2nd February 2006 >>> |

Bledi in
progress, parte III: un workshop ad Algeri dal 10 marzo al 10 aprile.
Scadenza per le domande di iscrizione: 20 febbraio >>>
Bledi in progress
part III: a workshop in Algiers, 10th March – 10th April 2006.
Application deadline: February 20th >>> |

Aggiornamento sui progetti
Love Difference: Europoly e Memento vivere:. E un
appuntamento con la vela per Emergency >>>
News from Love Difference
– Unidee projects Europoly and Memento Vivere:.
An appointment with the sail for Emergency >>> |

Bando di partecipazione al festival Made
in Video: scadenza per le iscrizioni al 31 Marzo 2006 >>>
Made in Video call for entries:
Submission deadline: March 31st 2006 >>> |

Luminar IV: le riviste on-line.
Il quarto seminario su Internet e umanesimo alla Fondazione Querini
Stampalia, Venezia, 2-3 febbraio 2006 >>>
Luminar IV: on-line magazines.
The fourth seminar on Humanism and the Internet at Fondazione Querini
Stampalia, Venice, 2nd-3rd February 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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