The Third Assembly of Love Difference Members
in Cittadellarte: in the agenda, 2005 activities, projects for 2006,
budget approval
On Saturday 25th of February Cittadellarte
hosted the third assembly of Love Difference members. Michelangelo
Pistoletto opened the session quoting the numerous activities carried
out in 2005 and ongoing projects for 2006, thanks to which the idea
of the Mediterranean, as an exemplary place for loving the differences,
has been extended to world-wide level. Other six places of the world
between earth and sea, have been in fact located; those are places
with an ancient history, distinguished as crossroads of cultures,
with encounters and meetings. The first place, among these, in which
Love it will start new projects, is the Caribbean Sea.
During the assembly Michelangelo Pistoletto and Filippo Fabbrica (Love Difference Co-ordinator)illustrated some
of the activities of 2005: the presence in Tunisi, for the World Summit
of Information Society, with the methodological workshop Codex, the
start project on free knowledges, the presence at Venice Biennial
on the Island of S. Servolo and the workshop Art City Society
New perspectives for Venice (website),
, the participation at the Festival of Philosophy in Modena and the
first edition of the Festival of the Differences in Biella, the collaborations
with Furla and Emergency. Marta Tolomelli, responsible for the projects
development, illustrated Europoly and Memento Vivere,
two ongoing projects. Chiara Piraccini, Coordinator of the Love Difference
Groups has presentated the workshops dedicated to the activation held
in Biella and in Milano.
During the assembly 2005 budget of the Movement has been illustrated
and approved: incomings from entrance fees triplicated while new incomings
arrived from special occurences (for example 10,000 euro form Evens
Prize); the improvement allowed the financing of the various ongoing
projects, and the closing of accounts for 2006 is expected in balance.
It was not forgotten to underline the importance of the associative
contributes, inviting everybody to subscribe for 2006.
Finally, the publishing of LDN, Love Difference Newsletter, reaching
approximately 7.000 persons. The assembly closed with the round table
Cyprus. Art rebuilding society. A complete report on the
third assembly of the members will be soon available in the Community
A Cittadellarte la Terza Assemblea dei
soci Love Difference: illustrate le attività del 2005 e i progetti
per il 2006, approvato il bilancio>>>