Da cose nasce cosa... what to co-operate
on? Love Difference workshop on creative processes for responsible
social transformation in Gorizia - Nova Gorica. Call for applications
deadline: March 30th, 2006
Creative processes for responsible social
transformation: Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto and Love Difference
organise a workshop on inter-disciplinary planning, promoted by Modidi
with the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. The workshop
will run in Gorizia – Nova Gorica on April 11-12 and 27-28,
May 4-5 and 18-19;it will be conducted by Filippo Fabbrica (Love Difference
co-ordinator), Chiara Piraccini (architect, Love Difference) and Juan
E. Sandoval (artist, Cittadellarte) with the participation of Lisa
Castellani (artist), Concetta Giannangeli (architect, Modidi) and
other researchers in the world of communication.
The 9 day workshop will involve an interdisciplinary group of young
people and will develop as a creative process through the sharing
of different skills and knowledge. In a context such as Gorizia -
Nova Gorica this means taking active part in a process of research
into the territory, understanding the limits linked with the separation,
and the intrinsic potential for relationships and confrontation between
different people and socio-cultural realities.
The knowledges acquired by the participants during the workshop will
become important and useful working tools even in other contexts,
for organising and managing cultural initiatives in different disciplinary,
interdisciplinary and intercultural fields. The workshop’s main
objective is the creation of a shared view on creative practises for
social transformation, an indispensable condition for the activation
of a operative nucleus in the near future with the capability to act
in relation to the cultural policies of the regional territory.
The workshop, open to 12 participants, is addressed to people active
in the field of cultural mediation, art, sociology, anthropology,
urban design, economics, who wish to do group work with artists and
creatives to develop projects aiming toward a responsible transformation
of society. Admission is open, independent of the candidate’s
nationality and actual residence. The workshop will be held in Italian
and English. Send c.v. and a letter of motivation by no later than
the 3rd April, 10.00 a.m., to workshop@lovedifference.org.
The results will be communicated by e-mail by the 4th of April.
application form
Da cose nasce cosa... su cosa cooperare?
Bando di partecipazione al workshop di Love Difference sulla progettazione
interdisciplinare partecipata a Gorizia - Nova Gorica. Scadenza: 30