LDN Love Difference News #45   18-05-2006

Love Difference and Cittadellarte at ReMida Day: “Da cose nasce cosa... What to co-operate on?”, “Italy in person” and “Neverending Recycling”. Villa Manin, 20 May 2006
On Saturday 20 May at 11 a.m., in the spaces of “Modidi… the Children Museum in Udine” at Villa Manin in Passariano (Udine, Italy), will be presented to the public the conclusions of the workshop “Italy in person: the cultural mission of the Italian product” (curated by Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto) and Love Difference’s workshop on creative processes for responsible social transformation “Da cose nasce cosa... What to co-operate on?”, which took place in Gorizia - Nova Gorica during the past weeks. The last, realized in collaboration with the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region and Modidi, lead with the participation of the group of artists Artway of Thinking, the psychologist Ezio Scatolini and the artist Stefano Boccalini, has generated some creative proposals on the topic of the cross-border collaboration.
Moreover, on 20-21 May at Villa Manin the laboratory “Riciclare all'infinito” (“Neverending Recycling”), organized by Cittadellarte, in collaboration with the Education Department of the Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art and Modidi: a choral action intended for children and adults, focused on the symbolic shape of the “Third Paradise” by Michelangelo Pistoletto, defined “New Sign of Infinite”. In fact, starting from the symbol of infinite – represented by two conjuncting bends, the new sign designs a third bend originating in the junction point, suggesting the cycles of regeneration of the matter and the circularity of time. The new sign of infinite will be traced using aluminum cords, supplied from CIAL - National Consortium of Aluminum Packages.
All the initiatives will take place during the ReMida Day. ReMida Days are special days, promoted by ReMida (Center of Creative Recycling), during which the city, roads and public squares change, involving adults and children, old and young, realizing a synthesis of all the projects carried out by schools, institutions, single citizens and cultural associations.


Love Difference e Cittadellarte al ReMida Day: “Da cosa nasce cosa... Su cosa cooperare?”, “Italia in persona” e “Riciclare all'infinito”. Villa Manin, 20 maggio 2006>>>

Check-in Europe. Riflessi di identità nell’arte contemporanea. Monaco, 18 maggio – 13 luglio 2006>>>
Check-in Europe. Reflecting Identities in Contemporary Art. Munich, 18 May - 13 July 2006 >>>

Designing politics – the politics of design. Bando di concorso all’IFG in Ulm; scadenza: 31 maggio 2006 >>>
Designing politics – the politics of design. Call for project at IFG in Ulm, deadline: May 31, 2006 >>>

Nuovo fondo per la cultura dei Balcani alla European Cultural Foundation. Scadenza per le domande: 1 luglio 2006 >>>
New Cultural Funding for the Balkans from the European Cultural Foundation. Deadline for applications: 1 July 2006 >>>

Il senso della città: una mostra al Canadian Centre for Architecture e un libro a cura di Mirko Zardini >>>
The Sense of the City: an exhibition at the Canadian Centre for Architecture and a book by Mirko Zardini >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic