LDN Love Difference News #46

“Emergency case situations: Farkadona
case”: Love Difference at the workshop on participatory devices
and processes of auto-organization
Love Difference is taking part in the workshop
on participatory devices “Emergency case situations: Farkadona
case”, taking place from the 2nd to the 23rd June in the refugees
camp in Farkadona (Larisa – Trikala District, Greece), where
a community of Greek-Pontians repatriated from the former Soviet Union
lives. The workshop, organized by PPC_T (a Greek group of architects,
teachers, artists, media experts) sees also the participation of Brazilian
media activists working with free software, of the Gudran group from
Egypt and of the Watercollection.net project.
During the past two years PPC_T started a participatory process of
exploring ways for the rehabilitation and the incorporation of the
community at the local society, economy and cultural life. In this
sense, the Farkadona case, as an experimental model can serve research
the possibilities of working with this method also on the other communities
that live more or less in the same context of marginalisation and
The goal of this activity is to propose new tools for the expression
and for the personal and collective growth of a ghettoized community,
attempting to envision a final model that could contribute to the
social incorporation of the community in the society of Farkadona.
So during the next weeks some activities will take palce: a multimedia
laboratory based on free knowledge and free software (with Thiago
Novaes and other Brazilian experts), and two arts and crafts workshops
with artists, to involve the women living in the settlement in artisanal
production (jewellery with Aliaa El Griedy from the Gudran Foundation
and clothes design/making with Walid Maw'ed from Watercollection.net)
and commerce, through new ways of distribution, such as the “fair
di emergenza: il caso Farkadona”: Love Difference al workshop
sui processi partecipati di auto-determinazione>>>

Love Difference alla ricerca delle sedute del Mediterraneo per l’esposizione
del Tavolo Love Difference di Michelangelo Pistoletto >>>
Love Difference in search for Mediterranean
seats to be exhibited around Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Love Difference
Table >>> |

Bando di partecipazione ad ARCfest a Toronto
e alla residenza per artisti di Triangle (Marsiglia). Scadenze: 12 e
25 giugno 2006 >>>
Call for proposals at ARCfest in Toronto.
Applications for residency at Trianlge (Marseille). Deadlines: 12 and
25 June 2006 >>> |

Una borsa di studio della Provincia di Biella
per partecipare ad Unidee 2006: scadenza per la domanda: 10 giugno 2006
UNIDEE in Residence 2006: Provincia di
Biella grant for a Biellese creative (deadline: 10th June 2006) >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean