LDN Love Difference News #49   13-07-2006

ECF awarded Europoly by Dejan Kaludjerovic: 15.000 euros to realize exhibitions and debates through Europe
The project Europoly – The Union Identity Trading Game by artist Dejan Kaludjerovic gained an important result: the project, developed by Kaludjerovic at Unidee in Residence 2005 with the collaboration of Love Difference, has been awarded 15,000 euros by the European Cultural Foundation. The contribution will permit the realization of a tour of exhibitions and debates in Europe, discussing the issue of European Identity. The artist describes his project as follows:
“I found many of similarities between the rules of the original Monopoly board game, that has the scope of obtaining a monopoly over somebody or something, and those of the European Union for a person to gain access. I transformed a recognisable game into a labyrinth in which the pathways and procedures are never certain. In the game I reproduced the professions, differentiated according to prestige and social utility, practised by non-European citizens within the countries of the European Union. The scope of the game is to obtain European citizenship: the possibility of winning or losing is determined mostly by chance.”

ECF finanzia il progetto Europoly di Dejan Kaludjerovic: 15.000 euro per realizzare una serie di mostre in Europa>>>

ReMida a Biella: primi laboratori al Festival Bi come Bambini a Biella, 9-10 settembre 2006 >>>
ReMida in Biella: workshops at the Children Festival of Biella, September 9-10 2006 >>>

Lost Highway Expedition: artisti in viaggio da Lubiana a Sarajevo dal 24 luglio al 30 agosto 2006 >>>
Lost Highway Expedition: artists travelling from Ljubljana to sarajevo, 2006, July 30 - August 24 2006 >>>

Mobile.Home: un progetto per la mobilità delle arti e degli artisti attraverso l’Europa >>>
Mobile.Home: a project for the movement of arts and artists through Europe >>>

13° Simposio Mediterraneo di Etnologia - Ramses² Summer School in Slovenia. Scadenza per le domande di partecipazione: 24 luglio >>>
13th Mediterranean Ethnological Summer Symposium - Ramses² Summer School in Slovenia. Deadline for application: 24 July >>>

Cancellata la sesta edizione di Manifesta (per ora) >>>
Cancellation of the sixth edition of Manifesta (for now) >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic