LDN Love Difference News #54

Europoly project on tour in Europe: next
stops Amsterdam and Venice
The project Europoly – The Union
Identity Trading Game by Dejan Kaludjerovic with the collaboration
of Love Difference, thanks to the funding awarded by the European
Cultural Foundation is continuing its tour of exhibitions and debates,
about the issue of European Identity.
After having been on show at the Galerie Eigenheim in Weimar, at “Tocatì
– Festival Internazionale dei giochi in strada” in Verona
and having housed in Cittadellarte the meeting “Cultural identities
in a multicultural society” with Yudhishthir Raj Isar, Amsterdam
and Venice will be the next stops. During 2007 Europoly will be presented
at the Artist House, Leeds and in Instanbul.
Next Saturday, October 28th Europoly will take part in Identifixatie
/ IdentifiXation - A multi-media performance night in Stadsschouwburg,
Amsterdam. “Under the motto IdentifiXation, prominent artists
take over the city theatre and challenge the public you to unravel
your personality. [...] IdentifiXation is a playful journey in search
of the makeability of our identity in an interactive programme with
performances, dance, the spoken word, installations and Djs.”
More traditional appointment the one scheduled from November 23rd
to 29th: the installation will be on show at Galleria A+A, San Marco
3073 (Calle Malipiero), Venice.
to the project
Il progetto Europoly prosegue il suo
tour in Europa: Amsterdam e Venezia le prossime tappe>>>

Cittadellarte a Interacciò' 06 - politiche culturali
della Comunità. Barcellona, dal 24 al 27 ottobre 2006 >>>
Cittadellarte at Interacciò
’06 - Community Cultural Policies. Barcelona, 24 - 27 October
2006 >>> |

Wherever We Go - Ovunque andiamo: Arte,
identità, cultura in transito: a Milano fino al 28 gennaio
una mostra che affronta i temi della dislocazione e della stratificazione
culturale >>>
Wherever We Go: Art, identity, culture
in transit. Until the 28th of January 2007 an exhibition facing
breakup and cultural stratification >>> |

Promemoria: al 10 novembre 2006 il termine
per le iscrizioni al Master in Comunicazione Creativa ed Etica per il
Sociale a Viterbo >>>
Reminder: on November 10th the deadline
for submissions at the Master in Creative and Ethical Communications
in Viterbo (Italy) >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic