LDN Love Difference News #64   03-22-2007

UNIDEE in Residence - International Program 2007: the eighth edition. Deadline for applications: April 16th 2007
UNIDEE in Residence is an international program open to artists, professionals, students and graduates of various university faculties from any country in the world. It will take place in Biella (Italy), 2 July - 31 October 2007.
The course in residency include an active participation in meetings and seminars hold by experts and professors of various humanistic, scientific, economic, political, artistic and social disciplines. The residents work individually or in groups to develop ideas and projects, working along creative lines pertinent to the following fields: Art, Communication, Ecology, Economics,
Education, Work, Nutrition, Politics, Production, Science, Spirituality. UNIDEE offers a research-oriented practice that operates within each discipline and is directed towards the responsible transformation of society and the creative activation. The UNIDEE programs are directed by Michelangelo Pistoletto.
Cittadellarte selection panel chooses candidates on the basis of their aptitude for developing projects relating to the aims of the University of Ideas. Applicants are invited to send any material they consider pertinent to such an assessment: curriculum, documentation of previous work, one or more examples of projects that illustrate their approach to the theme of a socially responsible transformation. Scholarship grants are available, total and partial cover. Deadline for applications: April 16, 2007.

UNIDEE in residence 2007: pubblicato il bando per l'ottava edizione del campus della creatività. Scadenza per le domande: 16 aprile 2007>>>

Progetto Emergenze: conferenze, mostre, rassegne e progetti d’artista sui temi dell’emergenza umanitaria e sociale. A Milano dal 29 marzo al 27 maggio>>>
Progetto Emergenze: exhibitions, conferences, artistic projects on humanitarian and social emergencies. Milan, 29 March – 27 May 2007>>>

A Roma un Master per formare esperti in progettazione e gestione di distretti culturali integrati. Iscrizioni fino al 6 aprile 2007 >>>
Master Course in Planning and Management of Integrated Cultural Districts in Rome. Applications deadline: April 6th 2007>>>

Programma estivo Israelo-Palestinese “Scienze Politiche e Studi sul Medio-Oriente” al Galillee College dal 3 luglio al 14 agosto 2007 >>>
Joint Israeli – Palestinian Summer Program: “Political Science and Middle East Studies” at Galillee College, 03 July –14 August 2007>>>

Europoly a Istanbul: l'installazione di Dejan Kaludjerovic alla Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, dal 26 al 30 Marzo 2007 >>>
Europoly in Istanbul: Dejan Kaludjerovic's installation at the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University from the 26th until the 30th of March 2007 >>>

Africart: una mostra di arte contemporanea per finanziare progetti umanitari in Africa. Firenze, Galleria FYR, 28-29 aprile 2007 >>>
Africart: a contemporary art exhibition to fund humanitarian projects in Africa. Florence (Italy), Galleria FYR, 28-29 April 2007 >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic